t w e n t y t h r e e

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warning: this chapter is sappy as shit

I like you too

you probably knew that, I mean I kissed you, and why would I do that if I didn't like you? and I didn't do anything earlier because I figured that I was just the fan that got lucky and you could never feel the same way but when we were both standing at the airport with tears in our eyes it finally clicked and I just feel like such a fucking idiot because I waited too long. I've liked you for what a year now? and I did nothing. And now I'm all the way across the country and we're both gonna be so busy and your right we could so easily drift apart without living in the same state. I guess this whole thing is pointless because we obviously can't be together but I just thought you deserved to know.

it's not all on you though, I tried to ask you out like four times but I kept chickening out. I don't even care if we're officially together but it's out there that we like eachother and I think that's enough until we get a chance to actually see eachother. I won't let us drift apart, I know it's possible but I seriously can't think of anything more important than you. there's nobody else I want. I don't think you could ever understand how much you mean to me. I've never liked someone as much as you, I've never fallen for my best friend. I just love everything about you from your stupid pickle habits to how clumsy you are. I just want you to be happy. So, Josie, pickles, jo, WHATEVER THE HELL I CALL YOU THIS TIME, would you do me the honor of being the person I like until we get to be with eachother in person and actually get to be boyfriend and girlfriend?

Wyatt, are you asking me to be your piluwgtbweipaagtbbag?


then yes :)

you have no idea how mad I am your not in la rn

can you come to Boston soon?

I'm filming for the next three months :(


I start filming in three months :(

when do u stop

we're filming for three months :(

I hate the number three and now fully understand why it's an unlucky number.

we chose a bad time to be piluwgtbweipaagtbbag's.

we're gonna be piluwgtbweipaagtbbag's for a while.

A/n- so there finally something? piluwgtbweipaagtbbag's is the abbreviation for "the person I like until we get to be with eachother in person and actually get to be boyfriend and girlfriend?"
for anyone who's confused :)

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