Questionable Motivations

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The following day, I knew what I had to do. Of all the unanswered questions that were waiting for me, I decided to head to Elenas next. She suffered because of the secrets that I kept. She deserved answers first. I was sat in her lounge, a coffee in my hands, I didn't even know where to start as I looked to the doppelgänger next to me.

"Elena I know there's a lot you want to know, but I feel like I need to apologise" I mumbled, my fingers gripping the mug in my hand tightly. "For what happened with Rose and Trevor". I turned fully to face her now, watching her reaction carefully.
"You don't have any reason to apologise Grace, you were betrayed too" she said, her tone genuine as she smiled gently. Her response surprised me, I laughed softly before shaking my head.
"Your empathy will always surprise me Elena, but I do disagree with you there... and so do The Salvatores it seems" I added, biting my lip at the thought.
"They'll come around, Stefan loves you like a sister and Damon..." she paused, thinking of what to say as she sipped from her own coffee, "Damon overreacts, but he always comes through for the people he cares about" Elena finished with a nod. I scoffed in response before screwing up my nose. "He does care, Grace... he's just hurt".

I stopped at that, is it possible that he cared? Why would he? But this wasn't the main reason why I came round here. Elena had questions. I had answers.
"So" I paused, sighing gently, "what did you want to know about again?" I took a gulp of my coffee as Elena thought to herself.

"Rose said that you and Elijah are originals... what does that mean?" She asked. Squinting at me curiously. I gulped down my coffee as I thought for a moment. "It's simple and... complicated, I don't know how to explain it". I shook my head, could I tell Elena everything? With the way everything was going she was bound to find it all out... "The short answer, we're the oldest vampires in existence, and as you can tell... not all of us are obsessed with curses and moonstones these days". Elenas face remained unreadable, taking information in.

"And... What can you tell me about Klaus?"

I nearly choked on my coffee at hearing that name, my eyes watering as a spluttered.
"Klaus?" She nodded, I wasn't too sure how to approach this. "He's been chasing us for five hundred years, Elena... I... he..." I struggled, images swarming around in my head. "The last I saw him was 1922".
Elena placed her hand on my arm comfortingly as my eyes stung with unshed tears "I thought he was done with this stupid curse..." I muttered inwardly, blinking furiously as I did so. "Elena listen to me, there's more to what's going on here than meets the eye, but I promise you... I'll do everything in my power to make sure that my brother doesn't get to you" I said, determination running through me fiercely.
"Your brother... Elijah?" I squinted in confusion at her questioning tone, before nodding abruptly in realisation. "I know you're not on the best of terms-" I snorted at that. She was putting it lightly to say the least. "But is there no way you could talk to him, get a message to him, or..." I shook my head, there wasn't a chance.
"He wants me dead, Elena" I stated bluntly.
"Even I don't think that's true, he had the chance to kill you and he didn't".
"Elijah was always a big believer in honour and loyalty and... trust" I bit my lip, blinking hard again. "He won't forgive me for betraying him".
"Katherine told me this part... she said that she got you and Trevor to help her escape, only she killed herself and turned when Rose wanted to take her back to Klaus".
"Precisely" I nodded, "look, I know Klaus. I know he won't give up, he's painfully stubborn and..." I sighed, placing my mug on the coffee table in front of me and leaning back on the sofa.
"It's strange..." noted Elena, "You're the only one that talks about Klaus as if he's an actual person". I bit my lip as I thought of what to say, she had me there.
"There was a time when he was more than the monster his reputation painted him as... but now I'm not so sure". Elena squinted in confusion, not knowing if she should press further. I sat up suddenly, looking to the girl next to me. "The best chance we have is if we stay one step ahead of him, If we want to find out what he's up to now, we'll need to get a hold of Rose, she's the one with the contacts". Elena nodded in agreement, before standing up.
"I know where she is..." she said in determination, before grabbing her car keys and heading towards the door, "Come on".

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