A Long Night

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That night, I had decided to stay with family. I didn't want to deal with Damon just yet. And, considering what Elena had said after her meeting with our mother, maybe there was hope for all of us.

"No violence, that was all I asked" Esther started as Elijah and I followed her into the study. "Rebekah and Kol disgraced our family tonight. And you, Grace..." she sighed heavily in disappointment before turning to me. "I expected better than for you to get wound up in this."
"It won't happen again, mother" Elijah interjected, sensing my discomfort as I looked at the ground in guilt. "I'll deal with them." He smiled at me empathetically, before facing Esther once more.
"Thankyou Elijah" she replied gratefully, a strange look passing across her face. "I wish the others were more like you".

Elijah nodded in response, before placing a hand on my shoulder as he guided us out of the study.
"Grace?" He started, just as we separated, causing me to turn back around, a scowl still present on my face.

"What?" I snapped, not in the mood - in the slightest - for another lecture.
"I know you're not at fault for tonight" he said plainly. "You... have enough to be concerned about without being held responsible for Kol."
"Oh, I'll have more than a few words with him when he comes around, but It's not Kol that I'm worried about" I sighed.
"Ah..." he nodded in understanding. "It's the Salvatore brother, isn't it?".
"His impulse is a part of who he is. I know that, he had it when he was human. But now..."
"It's been magnified, yes" he smiled. "Much like your own stubbornness."
"Whatever" I groaned, earning a curious look from my older brother.

"You're angry" Elijah noted. "But I suspect that it's not for the right reasons."
"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, glaring at him.
"Just something to think about, Sister" he hummed, just as I sighed in defeat. "Are you... heading back to the Salvatore's tonight? Do you need me to accompany you?".
"No, I'm not" I smiled, shaking my head at his protectiveness. "Not tonight anyways... I need some time to think."
"I understand" he nodded respectfully. "Goodnight, Grace."

Elijah walked away, calm and controlled as ever, as I sighed heavily and leaned against the railing of the balcony, looking out over the now empty hallway, that was bustling with people just one hour beforehand.

It was then that Finn appeared, ascending the stairs determinedly, not noticing my presence until he reached the top. My eldest sibling had always seemed the most tense out of all of us. And yet, we always did share some common ground.

When we first turned into vampires, I was terrified. Finn however, he was disgusted, ashamed, even. He hated what we were, and for a time, I quietly agreed. When I killed somebody for the first time, unable to control my hunger for blood, he was there to comfort me.

It took years for me to accept what I was, to learn how to live. But Finn, he only became more bitter. It was Klaus' decision to leave him daggered. He had remained that way longer than all of us. I couldn't even imagine what that must've been like.

"Finn" I smiled, making him stop in his tracks. He smiled back, almost apprehensively, before nodding in greeting.
"Grace" he said. "I didn't think you'd still be here".
"Well, here I am. You don't sound too thrilled about that, I must say." I noted.
"Apologies, Sister" he looked to the ground. "I suppose it has been a long night for us all."
"It has. Did you hear about Mother's meeting with Elena Gilbert?" I whispered, leaning forward so that only he could hear.
"Ah. Yes" he nodded. "Mother mentioned that you and the doppelgänger were good friends. Did she... say anything to you?".
"She said that Mother's intentions are genuine" I smiled, before chewing my lip slightly. "But I... I don't know. Everything seems too good to be true, don't you think? You're the one that's always been closest with Mother, Finn."
"I think..." he paused, before glancing at me. I couldn't quite tell what the look in his eyes meant. "That everything will turn out fine".

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