The Bonfire

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Senior year. Always an interesting one. Yet, I had a feeling that this year would go beyond that completely. It already had.

Caroline and I came in early to hang up posters for the Spirit Squad bonfire. The blonde vampire was attempting to convince me to attend, before Tyler Lockwood appeared, kissing her enthusiastically as he interrupted her sentence.

I grinned at the two of them, sighing as I rolled my eyes. Even I couldn't deny that they were good together.
"Happy first day" Tyler grinned at his girlfriend. I squinted slightly, noticing a stain on the front of his shirt.
"Is that blood?" I asked, scrunching up my face as Caroline followed my line of sight.
"Oh my god" she muttered, before dragging the two of us into the bathroom.

"What's going on?" Tyler asked in confusion.
"Vampire 101" Caroline started, As I checked that the stalls were empty. "don't wear your breakfast to school!" She whispered, hitting him lightly in anger.
"Chill out, it was just a blood bag" he replied, smiling slightly.
"From where?" I asked, turning back to face the couple.
"Rebekah hooked me up" he shrugged.
"Rebekah?" I asked bewilderedly, earning a glare from Caroline.

Whatever reason he had for going to my sister, of all people, it couldn't be good.

"What are you even talking to her for?" the blonde scoffed, looking back to her boyfriend.
"Klaus told her to keep a watch on me" he said casually, "Protect his new asset".
"His what?" Caroline retorted, "why are you amused by this?".
"I'm his first successful hybrid, Caroline" he replied, "Don't you think that's the tiniest bit awesome?".

I winced at his words as Caroline stood there in shock.
"Oh, Wow!" She started, "I cannot believe you just said that". I could see that she was getting angrier, things could spiral out of control very quickly if we we weren't careful.
"Caroline, relax" I said calmly, causing her to glare at me in rage. "You're right, this cant be... good, there are too many uncertainties" I struggled, the blondes hard gaze unwavering as Tyler glanced between us in a panic. "But it's better than him being dead, isn't it?".
"That's not the point, Grace" she snapped, before Tyler stepped forward.
"She's right, Care" he said, grabbing her arms gently.
"Of course you would say that" she groaned, pushing him away. "Of course you would agree with her!".

I opened my mouth to say something. Hurt running through me as it shut once more. I stepped back from the two of them, Caroline's gaze softening at last.
"Grace, I-" she started to say. I turned then, leaving them both in the bathroom as the door swung shut behind me.


"So this is what Klaus had in mind when he compelled you to protect Elena and spy on Grace?" Damon asked irritatedly, looking at the bloody scene infront of him.

Girls, all compelled, were playing twister, covered in bite marks as Stefan spun the plastic device infront of him once more.
"These ladies are helping me be all that I can be..." he trailed off, before a smirk appeared on his face. "Speaking of, where is your lady, hm?".

Damon glared back at his brother, eyes hard with anger and pain.
"School" he shrugged casually, "being a model student, unlike some".

"I do wonder what you see in her, Damon" Stefan grinned, blood dripping from his jaw. "I mean, she's gorgeous, don't get me wrong" he paused, watching his brother carefully, "and that accent..." he whistled then, before his gaze darkened slightly.

Damon continued to glare back it his brother, his jaw tensing as he did so, his angered silence only spurring his brother on further.
"But she is an original... so, can she really be trusted?".
"I think I'll skip the lecture on trust from the guy who flipped the switch on his humanity" Damon cut in, turning away from Stefan.

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