The Bird

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The bird sits on its perch, still so very young.

But its indigo wings have never flown 

And so in her nest, every day she's grown.

The bird looks down and sees a canyon below

Why did she have to have a canyon below?

Why not a bench or a summery meadow?

Her sisters have gone

Oh how far they've flown

But they did not have a canyon below

And still, she was expected

 to learn to fly with a canyon below

Afraid to love and afraid to lose

The bird breathes in

She looks down at the canyon where she must jump

And hope that she will live

The bird leans over a little 

And begins to jump

Now she will fly

But what if she falls?

Afraid to love and afraid to lose

The bird is afraid to fall

And so she stays in her little nest

Scared to fly knowing if she doesn't catch herself, no one will.

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