Social Anxiety

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You don't know them but they know each other

The space is large yet you feel smothered

Their words are filled with laughter and gossip

Yet you don't know who's with who yet

They talk behind you and in front you

To the left and the to right of you

You want to scream for them to move

But what would they think of you?

Limbs are shaking palms are sweating

Is there makeup you're forgetting?

This definitely is not your ideal setting

The way they could look at you is what you're dreading

Is your hair straight? You contemplate

every visible idiosyncrasy 

any detail that could make you unfortunately


and they would stare

you're terrified of how much you would care

Eyes digging into your skin

You urge is a sin

Do you feel the people closing in?

That's social anxiety kicking in

Hold your hands to your stomach to keep it from falling out

You feel so confined you want to scream and shout

How do you look right now?

Is your heart pounding too loud?

Not enough space between you and the door

You realize you can't do this anymore

Terrified of the eyes of society

That's your social anxiety

When you feel lonely in a crowded room

 you'll always have a friend-

anxiety will stand next to you and whisper

 "it could end."

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