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I am a locked box, but I gave you my key

I allowed you to see the real me

Not the one that smiles when you pass

But the one facing depression in the middle of class

Only a few can open up me

So you should be glad that I gave you my key

Because it seems these days you're kinder than anybody

A few months ago I gave you my key

How good it feels to open up to somebody

I'm a locked box

aching to be free

I know I'm not perfect

I hide all my flaws

I'm not really that happy

Don't tell what you saw

About four years ago, I gave you three 

The gold and shiny, beautiful key

the key that unlocked my greatest fears

the one that held my blood and tears

But I realize now you can't have my key

because I belong to somebody

who won't tell all the flaws I have to

 somebody who'll go tell all their friends

I can't give my key to somebody

who will insult and hit and abuse me

To someone who'll make me cry through the night

You don't deserve to see my might

I can't give my key to somebody

Who a year later will forget about me

Who will move on to someone new

Who won't cry as much, and will only laugh with you

So for the three people whom I gave me key

I sure hope you know the pain you gave me

Because now nobody has my key

Anyone who did only hurt me

I'm a locked box

but you don't know me

I've changed

only for me to see.

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