stranger in your home

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I'm never a stranger in your house
I've come over to nap on your couch
Your parents are practically mine
In your room everything's fine

I'm just so confused
I can't stop feeling used
Your words sink into my skin
You know where every wound is

One second everything's okay
And the next you've ruined my day
Why those remarks about my face?
When you come near I only brace.

Why don't you care?
Through pain and despair
I've always been there
Is it so hard to treat me fair?

You should want the best for me
If you were a best friend to me
Yet you feed off my insecurities
Name imperfections as if I can't see

I know you're blue, but I am too
After spending time close to you
I've worked so hard to love myself
But you're bad for my mental health

I suppose just a little respect
Is honestly all that I expect
I'm no stranger in your home
but with you I'm all alone. 

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