Who I Love

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perhaps it's irrational

this immense fear of mine

fret I know I should not

but I know not to lie.

there's this desperation

this explanation

words I want to scream

oh, but that's just a dream.

my parents, mother, father

they don't want a lesbian daughter

is it on the expectations list?

they won't love me for this.

don't listen to what they say

turn up the music and you'll be okay

don't think any thoughts just press 'shuffle play'

keep dancing and singing the pain away

the words will sink into my soul

the stinging insults will be told

hush and ignore what they will say

listen to the lyrics and you'll be okay

perhaps it's meaningless

america could change

I don't know how to hold this

do I pretend to be straight?

oh how I pray to whoever is above

though I wonder what is it worth

if I'm shamed for who I love?

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