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I learned recently that I am an INFJ, as soon as the results came in I had never been so certain of something. I've always felt a little lonely, very misunderstood, so talking to other INFJ's was a beautiful experience. One of the things we talked about is escaping into our mind. 

I'm never bored, really. If there's a moment of downtime I have a mental escape, I visit the depths of my imagination, whether it be a scenario I want to see play out, or hot tub in Hawaii, I can be there. It's relieving.

I'm an analyst, my intuitive knowledge of psychology allows me to connect dates and events and conversations and emotions to a general consensus. I have knowledge on everyone digging down to their deepest insecurities and that allows me to help so many people. I love that.

However, it's quite lonely. Very, very, lonely. The knowledge that I have on helping people is the kind that mostly INFJ's have and they are so rare. I've never met one before. It's isolating, knowing things that nobody else knows, having an understanding that tells me how to help people, but no one how to help me. 

Retreating into your mind, leaving the world, is sad sometimes. Because so few others experience the same thing, it feels like I'm always living in my mind. Living in another world than others because they will never feel like I feel, isolating me. 

Our mind can be a lonely place.

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