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My brain is exhausted
At midnight I'm tossing
And turning wishing I was asleep
But I stare at the ceiling and overthink

I know I'm not feeling logically
These thoughts are just anxiety
Yet I still think my friends hate me
Disappear and they'd be so happy

When we're all together I just want to leave
I'm imprisoned by the false things I believe
Slow down, take a second, try to breathe
Set goals I'm too nervous to achieve 

Can't have interactions with anybody
Without wondering if I'm too annoying
Too selfish, too loud, can't handle a crowd
I'm so desperate to make my future self proud

I kill the mood, can't you see?
Who the hell wants to be around me? 
Everything's funny and good till I'm there
Though surely these thoughts aren't so fair

But who the hell would actually know?
I don't say what I feel, but I feel so alone
If I could live like myself would this go on?
I can't live like myself god this can't go on

I can't keep living like someone I know I'm not
Yet I'm controlled by my prison of thoughts
To live a day and live so free
I hate myself because I'm not me.

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