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You wrapped her in lavender silk

gave water to her thirst 

placed her in healthy sunlight

she bloomed in bright purple

petals bursting from where you planted her

until you decided that you didn't like lavender anymore

and chose sunflowers instead

turns out yellow was prettier

only colors that she could never have would satisfy you

so you picked off all of her delicate petals

and threw her into the darkness

hoped that she would die so you could have a brighter flower instead

my tranquility would never be enough anyway

but behind calm is a strength 

a strength that kept her alive even when

you thought she wouldn't make it

she was never enough for you, why would she be enough to live?

I only hope for your sunflowers

for when you decide that you prefer red tulips

that she is as strong as I somehow managed to be

when you left me as a your nothing

and I came back as my everything.

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