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She means well I know

But I don't need her to grow

She belittles me like I'm small

She holds me as if without her I'd fall

She tries to fix me as if I were broken

She tries to replace me as if I were stolen

I know she wishes the best for me

Yet I'm not living helplessly

She wants to protect me as if I couldn't fight

She doesn't mean to be condescending 

But don't doubt my might

I wish I could come off a little more mild

But I am not a fucking child

You mean the best and I respect it

but friendships should be supportive not dependent

It's so annoying when you treat me like a toddler

Believe me, it's on my own I've gotten stronger

I'm a locked case and I don't give you my key

You can be supportive but only healthily

You don't get to treat me like I'm helpless

Don't treat a badass like she's defenseless. 

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