Midnight Memories

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I visit you when you sleep

Into your brain I slowly seep

Reminding you of the stories you keep

Only at midnight do I creep

It's the most horrid imagery that I make

You'll find a face full of tears when you wake

I'll stay for hours until you break

It's your restfulness that I take

I'll climb into the depths of your brain

I'll keep you up for hours till' you feel insane

You'll watch your loved ones go in vain

When you feel fear I'm the one to blame

So now for hours awake you lay

For that too I make you pay

Remember that this is my game

You'll relive every moment you've ever been in pain

Remember ever slap and every cry

Remember being three and thinking "why?"

Remember every time you had to lie

Remember every day you wanted to die

I'm your midnight memories

I loom in the room where the worst memories stay

You'd do anything for peace

But here in this room, I'll come back every day.

QuiverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora