Chapter nine-"Injuries and Memories" edited

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Hi guys , sorry for the little cliffy in the previous chapter.

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Lionesse's pov

She entered her room and grabbed another cigarette packet.

She knows smoking wasn't a solution she needed to numb the pain the silver cuffs on her hands and ankles caused, or numb her anxiety, she just didn't care anymore.

As she was preparing the coffee, she raised her head only to be met with silver eyes and just like that, her body froze, horror gripped her heart and she screamed in both surprise and terror, which quickly turned to anger dominating all other feelings. 

She let her wolf take over.

Her wolf and herself at this point didn't differentiate between friend or foe and she would be damned if her or anyone else ever had to relive the past again.

She clenched her fist and punched the silver eyed figure.

What confused her, however, was that instead of hitting flesh, she hit glass.

It shattered into huge and tiny pieces, scattering everywhere.

She could feel a huge piece slice at her legs and other smaller ones embed themselves in her other leg, as she was barefoot.

There was another piece that scratched her cheek and many pieces planted themselves deep in her arms and knuckles.

Painful you would think? Yes, it must've been, but Lionesse endured far worse in her life.

A few seconds later, the door slammed open and five figures appeared.

Lionesse's wolf still very much in control, wasn't able to recognize anyone, not even her mate who raced over towards her and grabbed her hands in panic, desperately trying to stop the bleeding.

She didn't recognize him, because the bond was too weak for her wolf to register.

She snatched her arms back and growled menacingly at him.

Reia realizing it was the wolf in control, quickly made her way to her and held her back from slashing at him with her already extended claws.

Reia engulfed her in a secure hug, whispering that everything will be alright, that there was no one in the room other than her and the pack.

The only reason Lio didn't rip Reia's head off, was because her wolf which was still very much in control, was very familiar with her best friend as they have known each other since forever.

Unfortunately, just as Lionesse was relaxing and realizing that it was just her mind playing tricks on her, that it was her silver eyes she saw, not that man's, and just as her wolf was about to give her back control, someone grabbed her arms and was about to raise her sleeves, revealing the damn silver cuffs.

In anger that someone dared touch her, she ripped her hands from the male's hold and grabbed him by his throat, ready to kill.

Reia once more stood between her and the unfortunate soul, soothing her, telling her it was the doctor, that he only wanted to tend to her wounds.

Lionesse, reluctantly dropped him, taking a few steps away from everyone, taking deep breaths in a desperate attempt to calm herself.

"It's alright child, I shouldn't have grabbed you arms while your wolf was obviously in control, but can I see your hands now? I really need to stop the bleeding" the doctor coaxed gently.

"No, there's no need. I will tend to them myself" Lionesse replied, ready to head to her room.

She HAD to get out of there. 

She wanted, no NEEDED to be alone.

Jace seemed to have other ideas, however, as he all but shouted gripping her arms again shaking her slightly,

"Those aren't mere scratches, GIRL. They're deep. Sit so the doctor could tend to them"

Lionesse growled at his nerve,

"And what right do you have telling me what to do! Who the hell do you think you are? You are NOT my alpha. I take orders from no one, MALE"

"Don't think for a second that i care girl. You're in MY TERRITORY, you WILL respect me. Here I AM  your alpha"

She laughed and replied,

"Respect is earned, male and so far I see nothing in you deserving my respect"

He growled in anger, but her only reaction was raising her eyebrow unimpressed, staring him in the eyes.

Reia once more stepped between them and lead Lionesse to her room to help her patch her wounds up.

"You scared me there, bitch. I thought you were attacked or something" Reia said, while pouring anticeptic on Lio's leg.

"You shouldn't fear for me, you know i'm a great fighter. I can hold my own"

"I know that, I really do ... but you should also know that if he ever catches you again, it will be your end. Your healing is slower than a human's due to the cuffs. I can't lose you...I won't survive" Reia said.

"Forgive me, I never intended to worry you" Lionesse sighed tiredly.

Reia nodded, wrapping the last of her wounds with gauze. 

The brief moment of peace was interrupted as Tommy banged the door open.

"Tommy what the h-" Lio never got to finish her sentence as Tommy asked,

"What does Reia mean by him catching you again?"

"It's nothing you should concern yourself with, Tommy"

"If there is a threat, it sure as hell is my concern, please tell me who is after you"

"I said that everything is fine, THOMAS and no Dante you may not speak and that is the end of it" she ordered, motioning for them to leave.

After that she took a shower, then headed to bed, preparing herself for another restless night, plagued with memories of that monster of a man.

When she woke up an hour later, covered in sweat, struggling to take deep breaths to calm her racing heart, she made her way to the kitchen, knowing that tonight she would be catching no sleep.


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