Chapter 1) The Badboy's Looking At Me

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Chapter 1

The Badboy Is Looking At Me

Rachels P.O.V

My neighbor's are moving out. And to be honest with you, I'm ecstatic.

Having two old people bossing you around is proper torture. Don't get me wrong, I think the elderly are great.

But them two are a bunch of messed up nags.

They never leave me alone, they never stop asking me to do their work and they never let me do my own thing.

If you know what I mean.

Its always 'Rachel do this' or 'Rachel do that' or 'Rachel help me read this article, the words shrunk'.

"Rachel," mum yells from the kitchen. "Mr and Mrs. Hardin want you to help them pack their things. I told them you would do it when you came home from school."

I love my mum to bits, but that is one of the major flaws she has. Volunteering me to help the Hardin's. Me.

Its like she thinks I don't have homework, or a life.

But then again, the faster they move out, the more time I have with my besties, Lauren, Nicole and Kendall.

I drop my bag in my room and head downstairs to give the Hardin's some help.

The only help you can give Rachel, is telling Mrs. Hardin her false teeth is in her mouth.

My mind is sooooo right.


If there is one thing I hate more than helping out the neighbors, it's waking up early in the morning to go to school.

The only good thing about school is the fact I can see my best friends.

Yeah, I could easily go to their houses, but...effort.

I'm not lazy or anything, but its just so much hard work. Plus, I'm either on the phone or texting them, so I ain't missing out on the drama.

The only drama in this life is Lauren and her overreacting.

I do my same routine as always; turn off my alarm and say I'll wake up in the next five minutes. And say that until my mom drags me to the bathroom.

I get dressed in my casual crop-top and leggings and have a massive fight with my brother for taking my toast.

Then head out the door to school. 20 minutes until school starts and over six hours until it ends.

When I'm outside, out of the corner of my eye, I see someone staring at me. I turn my body to see who it is. Big mistake.

With his messy brown hair, sexy blue eyes, bad boy of Coral Green, Evan Wilds is staring at me.

Why the heck is the Evan Wilds in the Hardin's garden. And why is he looking at me.

Like the fool I am, I stand still, unsure of what to do.

The sexiest, most egoistic ass I've ever seen is looking at me.

With that hot smirk plastered on his face, Evan walks to his motorbike and drives away.

Leaving me totally gobsmacked, I slowly walk to my car and try to process what just happened.

Trying but failing. Hold on, are you for real. You have school in less than 20 minutes, but you decide to stand at your car, like the idiot you are.

My subconscious is right (except for the last part).

I go into my car and drive off to school with so many questions in my head, so many questions about Evan.


Lunch time, my favorite part of the school day. No teachers to annoy you, free to do whatever you want, food and a chance to talk to my friends.

I sit down at my usual table with a tray of food in my hand.

"You'll never believe who just got together," Lauren Conrad says to all of us. "Ashley Grey and Taylor Davis."

"I thought Ashley was going out with Evan," I ask confused.

"No, she was going out with Damon," Nicole Richie buts in. "I guess she's went out with all the three musketeers."

The three musketeers is what Nicole likes to call Evan Wilds, Taylor Davis and Damon Johnson. Because there sexy, fierce and they L.O.V.E trouble.

Ashley Grey is practically the slut of the school. Her and her best friend Ellen Black, think they run this place.

Never in my life have I met a person so fake. Ashley's dyed blonde hair, her contact blue eyes (I don't even know why she has them, she has perfect sight), her fake nails, her fake tan.

I bet you if you put a wipe on her face, you'll get it back in orange.

"Sorry I'm late. I got into a fight with Ashley, total bitch," Kendall Smith mutters sitting down beside me.

No matter what Kendall does, she always gets into a fight. Whether it's an argument with Ashley or a fist fight with her little sister for using her mascara.

This girl will brake out into Step Up if she has to.

"Speak of the devil. Here comes the lady herself," I announce as I see Ashley and Ellen going to their table.

"Have you ever noticed that Ellen looks like a lost puppy when she's with Ashley?" Nicole mummers.

We all burst out laughing, causing a few glares from the tables around us.

Rachel get yourself together, you look like a fool.

After I stop laughing, I look up to see Evan looking back at me.

I'm not sure if he's starting at me, so I turn my head to see if anyone else is watching him.

Only a few girls at the back are drooling over him.

I turn my head back to Evan and just stare at him until I feel a rough poke to the ribs.


"Someone's staring at a certain sexy musketeer," Lauren says giving me a'someone has a crush' smirk.

"For your information, he is the one who started looking at me. Not the other way around," I protest taking a bite of my burger.

"Not from what I can see," Kendall buts in turning her head to face Evan.

I have the best three friends ever, but none of them, I repeat, none of them can mind their own business.

I don't respond to Kendall's last comment. I just stay quiet and keep eating my burger.

I don't have feelings for Evan, I don't think he's a good person and I don't even like him as a friend.

Me and Evan are like cats and dogs, two things that don't work together.

I'm a girl who doesn't give a shit about what people think of her. A girl who's worst grade is a C. The girl who still came to school even though she had the chickenpox.

Evan is a guy who would knock you unconscious if you talked about him. The man that has been to prison 3 times this month and it's only the 16th. The person who had sex with 4 girls in the same day. The same boy who put a bomb in the teachers car because he almost got Evan expelled.

See my point.


What do you think? My first book ever.

The first chapter isn't so interesting but I promise the next ones will be awesome.

So vote, follow and comment if you like it!!!!

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