Chapter 17) The Holiday Home

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Chapter 17

The Holiday Home

Rachels P.O.V

I had the best night ever!!

Maybe it wasn't exactly what I always dreamed about, but it was definitely just as perfect.

I spent the night in Evans arms.

I was scared about this whole situation, but Evans touch just made me feel, loved.

Maybe I am falling for Evan, and maybe he's falling for me.

Maybe our kiss ment more than that.

Or maybe I'm just making it up in my head.

Either way, I want to tell Evan how I feel. But now isn't a good time.

My number one priority is finding out who Beth is. I wonder why Evan won't tell me who she is.

I think Nicole was right. Beth could be his ex girlfriend that he loves.

Then again, mum always says "You'll never think properly on an empty stomach".

"Oww!" I cry in pain, when I hit the ground. "Evan why did you grab my leg?"

"I wanted to tell you something," he starts.

Could this be the moment he tells me he likes me?

"-I like my toast with melted butter."

Answer: NO.

I get up and make him and myself breakfast.

I would make Samantha some but I'm not sure if she is awake, or just sleep talking.

She's been murmuring all night.

"Rachel, do you want to call your mum? Tell her your okay," Evan asks coming into the kitchen.

"How is it possible that you have yo-."

Evan is shirtless. Not just shirtless, he's pantless. He is just wearing his briefs and standing inches away from me.

"Cat got your tongue," Evan's signature smirk was back.

"Na, wh-bi-sh," I can't form words.

"I'll take that as a yes," he says reaching past me and grabbing his toast.

I have never froze when talking to someone.

Like I even saw The Vamps in person and didn't freeze up like I did with Evan.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to put on my clothes for a while," he teases.

"Well, I can walk around half naked too."

When I can finally speak again this is what I say.

"Fine, I'll put my clothes on, but only because I don't like you drooling over me," he mocks.

"Why are you not even wearing your clothes?" I wonder.

"I don't like to sleep with my clothes on," he states.

Wait, does that mean I slept next to just briefs Evan? And did not touch his beautiful body?


"Rachel!" Samantha disturbs me from my thoughts.

"Em, I don't know," I say hoping it will get me off the hook for daydreaming.

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