Chapter 30) Hospital

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Chapter 30


Evans P.O.V

"But can I see her!" I yell at the doctor who's taking care of her.

"I told you, only family can see her," he tells me again.

"But I'm... her brother," I lie.

"Mr. Wilds, I have treated you before. I know your last name isn't 'Williams'."

How am I going to see Rachel, if they won't even tell me what's wrong with her? Or how she's doing?

She could be dead right now and I wouldn't know because they're not telling us anything.

All I know is that there's a lot of doctors running into her room and a lot of nurses running to get doctors.

When we got to the hospital, they rushed her in and started asking Taylor, Damon and I questions about what happened to her.

They called the police and her mum, so we're going to have to confess to someone.

I just Max stuck to the plan.

"Evan! Where is she? Where's Rachel?" Rachels mum asks me from the reception.

"She's in room 105. Turn left and the first one on your right," I direct her.

"If Rachel dies I'm going to kill you," her brother Luke threatens me.

He gives me a shove and follows his mum.

"She's gonna be alright you know," Damon says. "She may be in a hospital bed, but she's strong."

"Why don't you go home and see your mom. I could also do with a shower," Taylor suggests.

"Totally. You definitely need to brush your teeth too," I joke stepping into the elevator.

"Okay, player boy. Sorry for not looking as pretty as you," Taylor mocks.

"Can we get something to eat on our way, I'm starving," Damon groans.

"When are you not hungry," I ask.

"Why don't you ask a person who hasn't ate since Monday morning. It's Friday night now," he defends himself, stepping out of the elevator, holding his stomach.

"It's actually Saturday morning," Taylor corrects him.

"You trying to get smart with me," he gangs up on Taylor.

We leave the hospital and get a cab home.

I've seriously missed home. Mum, Danny, Jade. My mum, my car, my motorbike. The three most important people in my life.

Oh, and Max. He's pretty important too.


Beckys P.O.V

"Look, none of us have a clue what you're saying so just say it in English," I tell the doctor getting really annoyed.

My big sister could die, and he's showing off with his big words.

Some people.

"She's lost a tone of blood. It's not anything too serious but when she wakes up, she'll have a lot of leg pains and she'll be weak and a little bit dizzy," he sums down.

At least Rachel will be okay. I just can't wait to get my hands on the person who put her here and put them in a hospital bed.

What kind of person would hurt Rachel? Yes, she can really annoy you, and yes, she is a pain in the behind. But nobody hates her.

She's like one of those people who just can't be hated.

Like me.

"Luke, why don't you take Becky to the cafeteria," she suggests to Luke, but we all know that it's an order.

"Why can't I stay with Rachel? I want to be here when she wakes up," I cry.

"I'm pretty sure Rach doesn't want you giving her a heart attack when she wakes up," Luke does one of his cheesy jokes.

I stand up from her bed and storm out stomping my feet. Luke follows behind me. Obviously keeping his distance from me.

He doesn't like me.

Rachel's my favorite sister –also my only sister– and I want to be with her.

I don't know if she knows this, but.Rachel's my best friend. I don't know what I would do without her.

If only dad was here, he would know what to say. I wonder why he didn't come home.

Luke is trying to be the 'man of the house', but mum won't let him. She's trying to take control of everything.

When dad comes back he'll sort everything, and The Williams will be a happy family once again.

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