Chapter 24) The Questioning Game

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Chapter 24

The Questioning Game

Evans P.O.V

I kissed Rachel. I cannot believe that I just kissed her.

I... Wow.

I can't even form words.

I kissed Rachel and then I secretly told her I liked her, without her knowing.

"I need to use the toilet," Rachel brakes eye contact.

"Na, I'm not feeling it. Why don't you ask me next week?" Nick slyly replies.

"Nick, let her go," I almost yell.

"Dan, take her," he orders him.

"His name is Harrold," Rachel corrects him.

I honestly don't know where these people get their names from.

I take one last glance at Rachel before she's out of the door.

"Now that princess is gone, we can talk like real men," Nick starts.

"Fine, is Damon and Taylor dead," I ask him.

"I'm the one who asks the questions," he gives out.

"How about this, a question for a question, an answer for an answer?" I try to bargain with him.

"Sure, Damon and Taylor are alive. We didn't want to kill them too easily, where's the fun in that?"

"Why did you-."

"No, no, no. A question for a question. My turn," Nick buts in. "Why did you destroy my family?"

"I didn't destroy anyones family. I told your mum because I thought she deserved the truth. If it was my dad, I would want my mum to know."

"WELL IT ISN'T! Your dad, is dead."

"Why did you kill Beth instead of me?" I ask.

"Because my sister died from all your mistakes."

"And do you want to kill my brother too?"

"I'll do anything to make you suffer."

"Is it fun being a lap dog, Nick? You always do what I say," I tense up.

"Why did you sleep with Samantha when you knew I was in love with her?"

"Don't know," I answer casually.

"It's, question for question, answer for answer. I gave you two answers, Evan. These are your rules," he gets even more enraged.

"You know, I never play by the rules, Nick."

Nick bangs his fist off the wall. And storms out.

I think I made him a little too angry.

But that's the difference between me and Nick.

He plays it safe, and I never follow the rules.

"You made Nick really angry. I think that might have been a bad idea," Max confronts me.

Straight after he says I hear a gun shot.

"I think you just might be right, Max," I agree.

"Rachel!" I yell as I see her stumble in, with a hand on her leg.

"So, do we get pizza now, cause I feel like I deserve pizza," she stumbles around and asks Nick.

"No," he says as if there's something wrong with Rachel.

"Really, because you just shot me, and I really think you owe it to me," she sits.

Harrold ties her up and walks away.

"I shot you and your asking me for pizza?" Nick tries to understand.

"I don't see where the confusion is," she shakes her head.

"You people are psychopaths," he walks out leaving us on our own.

I turn to Rachel, "Rachel that must-."

"Hurt like hell? Yeah. But dad always says to stay strong even though your about to die," she answers.

"Your dad gives you the strangest advice," Max comments.

"That's dad for you. At the time, it's the worst advice ever. But it somehow becomes useful."

"Then just stay strong. I'll get you out of here. I promise," I promise her.

Even if our plan goes wrong tonight, I will make sure that Rachel, Taylor and Damon, all get to the hospital safely.

I just want her to know that I'm there for her.

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