Chapter 5) Truth Or Dare

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Chapter 5

Truth Or Dare

Rachels P.O.V

"Rachel Elizabeth Tyler Williams, get in the kitchen right now!" mum screams at me once we all step in my house.

"Time to get a lecture from my mum," I tell the boys while rolling my eyes.

When ever my mum calls me by my full four names I know I'm in major trouble.

She usually just yells 'Rachel Williams' and gives out to me.

But this time, she added in the Tyler, and to be honest with you, I have no clue what's going to come next.

I've never been in this much trouble before.

"Hi mum, do you know how much I love you?" I persuade her. Whenever you're in trouble always, always, always start with telling them how much you love them.

"Don't you dare love me. Your school called and I know all about your little performance in class. Mr. Duke was very upset with-," mum starts.

I shouldn't love her. Why can't I love my own mother. Oh wait, you say that when you want something off them.

But I tune off because I know what's happening. She's just going to give me a lecture, tell me I've changed and hug it out with me in the end.

Same old, same old.

"Hi Mrs. Williams. I hope you're having a great day," Evan sweet talks her walking into the kitchen.

"Evan, I hope she's not being a bad influence on you," my mum confronts him.

The nerve of her. Evan is the one who shows the 'bad influence', not me.

If it wasn't for Evan, me and mum wouldn't have this argument.

"No, Mrs. Williams, Rachel has not been a bad influence on me," Evan tells her.

"See, Evan is a very good person. He is smart and handsome and he doesn't use abbreviation. What is up with that? Why can you not use full words? Why can't you be more like Evan."

Me, more like Evan. She is such a hypocrite.

Does she even know Evan. How in the world can she ask me to be more like Evan.

My own mum wants me to be more like Evan. A bad boy, dumb ass druggy.

And theres Evan, sweet angle in her eyes Evan, standing there with a stupid smirk on his face.

How I wish I could slap that smirk off his two faced face.

"Do you know what," mum starts turning to Evan, "Evan, I hate to waist your time, but could you please talk some sense into my immature, selfish, arrogant daughter, Rachel?"

Seriously? I would use those exact words on Evan.

"Of course Mrs. Williams, anything to help you."



"This is more boring than the time I had to watch the whole series of Twilight just to sleep with a girl," Damon comments on the silence.

"Did it work?" Taylor asks him. "Hell yeah," he answers back getting a high five off of Evan.

Boys. Such dirty, childish boys. They'll do anything for a girl to sleep with them.

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