Chapter 15) Kidnapped

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Chapter 15


Rachels P.O.V

#I'm, off to the store,
To get some milky, milky,
Off to the store,
To get some milky, milky,
I wanted, to read my book, but,
Mamma said no,
You're off to the store to get some,
I'm off to the store,
To get some milky, milky,
Off to the store,
To get some milky, milky,

If there is one thing you should know about me it's that I love to sing.

I don't care how I sound, I just like to sing about random things.

"That would be, $1.50," the shop keeper told me.

"Here you go, and keep the change," I say giving him $10.

It's not like it's my money.

I take the milk and walk out of the shop.

#I, just bought my milk,
I'm on my way home,
Just bought my milk,
I'm on my way home.# I sing in the same t-.

Is that Max getting into a van, with that creep from the park.

"Hey,... you," I call out to him, running across the road.

"Hi, Rachel. How are you doing?" he asks, all polite.

"Oh, I'm great, thanks for ask- hey, I know what your doing and it's not going to work," I figure out. "Do you know how much damage you have caused? Ms Wilds has been losing it, trying to find her son and I find him with you."

"Look Rachel, it's not what you think," he tries to reason with me.

"He is coming with me NOW! And I don't care what you have to say," I yell making a scene.

"It's just a prank. Evan told me to take him from school and then he prank called his mum," he tells me.

"What kind of sick, twisted game do you play. That is just, wrong."

"It was Evans idea, I-I-I... He made me do it. I know it's wrong but," he trails off.

I feel so sorry for him. Evan is such an ass.

"But what?" I ask.

"But he said if I didn't do it, he would hurt my family." He starts to sob. "Um, just tell Evan, that Nick has him, and Max is okay."

He tries to hide away his tears but I can see he's crying on the inside.

"So your name's Nick, yeah," I try to brighten up the mood.

"Yeah, Nick Matson."


"Evan you sick, twisted bastard," I yell at him barging into his room.

"Rachel, what the hell. Can't you see I'm busy," he points to Ashley in his bed.

But I can't stand the anger I feel for Evan now. So I let it out on his face.

Big mistake.

My hand feels like it's just been crushed by a bolder.

"Rachel, what is the matter with you? Why did you slap me?" he yells dragging me into the hallway.

"You, are a sick, hypocritical, bully. You shout at me for playing a prank when the same day, you kidnapped your own brother," I scream at him.

"What the hell are you talking about? Why would I kidnap my own brother?" he plays dumb then grabs his clothes to put them on.

"Drop the act Evan. Nick told me everything."

"Nick? Nick who?"

"Nick... something. I can't remember. The guy you threatened," I answer.

"Okay Rachel, I want you to think really hard. Is his last name Matson?"

He puts his hands on my face and looks directly into my eyes.

"Yes, Nick Matson," I remember.

He starts to pace up and down with his hands on his head.

"Evan. It is a prank, right?" I ask unsure of what I have just done.

Or what I didn't do.

"Did Nick kidnap Max? And did I just let him walk free?" Now I'm scared.

I can't believe I felt sorry for him.

Evan just stops and grabs my arm. He pulls me down the stairs and out the door.

"Where did you see them?" Evan asks.

Is it wrong that he looks so much hotter when he's all worked up?

"At the shops."

"Put this on," he orders me handing me a helmet.

"Can't we just take your car," I mope.

"Rachel, my brother is missing. You are the only person who knows where he is and you seriously what to argue with me."

I put the helmet on with no questions and got onto the back of it.

I hold on to him tight when he starts the engine.

Okay just to make sure we're all on the same page and not confused, this is exactly what's going on.

Max was kidnapped on Monday, 5 days ago.

I met the kidnapper the same day and talked to him.

Then, saw him again today with Max in his van.

He put on a million dollar performance and I felt sorry for him.

I let him drive away with Max.

He headed... east, close to the beach.

Now, that's where me and Evan are going.

On a rescue mission.

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