Chapter 18) The Devil's Girlfriend

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Chapter 18

The Devil's Girlfriend

Evans P.O.V

"Are you sure Rachel didn't come home? I know I should have told but... She ran away from me!... I know she's missing school but she'll be fine. Just come down Mrs. Williams. Sorry, just. I have to go. Bye," I talk to Rachels mum on the phone.

"What's wrong?" Samantha asks stepping into the room.

"Oh, besides the fact that my nine year old brother is missing, Rachels little sister is going mental without her big sister or her best friend. Or Mrs. Williams driving me insane about the fact that her daughter and her husband is now missing, everything is just great," I say sarcastically.

"It was only a simple yes or no question."

"Well I'm not in the mood. What if Nick has her? What if he's hurt her?" I ask Samantha.

"Rachel can fight her own battles. We just need to get your brother back."

"Samantha, you don't understand. This isn't her battle, it's mine! And now she's going to get hurt for something that I did!"

I can't let anything happen to Rachel. She means a lot to me. And if she does get hurt Rachels mum will kill me.

Who knows what happened to her husband. I'm pretty sure her family couldn't take it if she and their dad was gone.

I pretty sure I couldn't.

"Let's just go to town see if he's were he killed Beth and find Max and Rachel," Sam says.

"Um, yeah. Let's go."


Right now I do not want to talk to Samantha. I don't even know why I let her come with me.

She's going to get hurt too. Just like everyone else I care about.

But me being silent is going to have to stop since we're at the old hardware store Nick uses as his murder layer.

"So, what are we going to do? Burst in there and ask for them back?" Sam asks.

"Well, yes, I guess," I answer but I am not certain that that's going to work. "What are you waiting for?"

"Wow, wow, wow. Why am I going in first?"

"Ladies first remember."

To be honest with you, I don't want to go first because I don't want Nick to kill me.

Yeah, I sound like a total pussy, but Sam is capable of protecting herself from whatever Nick is going to do.

But how am I supposed to save two people if I couldn't handle Beth, the six year old.

She'd be seven last Sunday if I'd had saved her.

"Fine," she groans while walking over to the door.

"If you want me to go first, could you back up and give me space to open the door," she calls to me over her shoulder.

I suppose I don't have to be breathing down her neck. So I slide backwards and wait for her to open the door.

Once she does I take a deep breath in and walk inside.

"What? I don't get it. He should be here. He should be right here," I yell trying to understand why the place is empty.

"But I was certain he would be here!" Samantha yells back.

"At least I get to say I told you so. I told you he would be at The Holiday Home. So I guess I'll say 'I told you so'!"

"I'm sorry Evan. Let's just go and find them," she apologizes.

I storm out of the shop, only to see some idiots messing with my motorbike.

"Hey, what the hell do you think your doing?" I push one of them off my bike.

"Hey man, what do you think your doing?" one of them says.

"Well it's my bike, and you dumbasses are playing on it."

"Who you calling a dumbass?" his friend joins in.

I know my odds of winning a fight with these guys are slim, but it's a good thing I've been going boxing with Taylor ever since I was bullied.

Yeah, I know shocking but facing up to them is what made me the person I am now.

But almost putting them in a tomb was what made me go to juvie.

So, I make a stupid decision. I punch them.

I punch them again and again and again. But with every punch I give them, I get back two.

I punch until I crumble to the ground.

"Samantha go. Go get help from Damon and Taylor," I shout to her, when I see her step outside.

Something seems wrong. I can tell that smug grin from a mile away.

"Take him to Nick and tell him I'll bring Damon and Tay," she orders them.

"Samantha, don't mess with me," I do my best not to believe what I'm hearing.

"Oh, I'm not messing with you. But Nick is. And once he gets his hands on you. Well, we'll be saying bye-bye to Evan and having way too many funerals at once," she slyly speaks.

"I can't believe your on his side! I trusted you, Rachel trusted you!"

"And look where that got the two of you."

"Take him away, NOW. And if you don't I'll tell Nick you upset his girlfriend, and he won't be too happy with that, will he," she orders them.

"Get off of me, you freaks!" I scream, when they pull me into their van.

"You guys are insane!"

No matter how hard I try to get them off me, it just doesn't work.

Maybe I shouldn't have punched them. Cause right now I can't fight back.

And I'm pretty sure I have a black eye and a bruised rib.

I can't believe I trusted that bitch.

Rachel is missing because I led her into the arms of the devil's girlfriend.

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