Chapter 20) The Blame Game

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Chapter 20

The Blame Game

Rachels P.O.V

I am so freaking hungry. These people haven't given me anything to eat since Monday.

Yes, I always said I was going to go on a diet, but everyone knew I wasn't.

This is starving me. And I need some food to eat.

"Can I get something to eat please?" I ask Nick and Samantha sitting at the door.

"Rachel, please isn't going to get you anywhere," Evan comments.

"Just because I've been kidnapped doesn't mean I can't use my manners."

"What happened to your leg?" Nick whispers to Samantha holding her in his chest.

"Nothing babe," she replies.

"Sorry, but if you two love birds wouldn't mind, some of us care about getting something to eat," I interrupt them.

"Evan, I'm hungry too," Max tells him.

"Just let them go Nick! This is about you and me! Not them! Just let them go Nick," Evan shouts.

"This is between you and me. It always has been. I just want to see you suffer. The same way you made me," Nick says.

"Is it a bad time to ask who Beth is?" I know this is all about her. What I don't know is who she is and what she's done.

"You dragged her into your mess and you haven't told her who Beth is," Nick mocks.

"Evan, why are they talking about Beth," Max looks worried.

I think it was definitely a bad time to ask.

"Beth was my sister, who Nick killed," he finally tells me.

A burst of relief shoots down me.

"So it isn't your girlfriend," I smile.

"Rachel, this is serious. And exactly why I didn't want to tell you," he regrets.

"Evan, I didn't mean it like that. I just," I trail off.

What am I supposed to say? How am I supposed to feel?

I can't say I like Evan, because I don't know if I do. But I can't say I don't like him, because I know I know I have feelings for him.

And now, without a reasonable explanation, Evan is going to hate me.

"Rachel, Beth meant a lot to me. She was like a sister I never had. But she was my sister. She was so happy and always made everyone she was around smile," he tells me.

"So, you killed an innocent person for what? That is sick and you should be ashamed of yourself," I practically shout at Nick.

"Did he tell you how he destroyed my family? Killed everyone and everything I cared about?" he asks.

"What your family did was not my fault. They chose to commit suicide," Evan defends himself.

"If you hadn't have told my mum what my dad did, I would still have a family and you would still have a sister!" he argues.

"We can play the blame game all you want, but in reality, it is no ones fault and no one is to blame. It's just life. Sometimes it gives you lemons and sometimes you get nothing," I interrupt.

"This isn't about lemon! This is about payback and Evan is the only person to blame!"

"So let me get this straight. Your dad cheated on your mum and Evan told your mum. They split up and your dad died. Your sister started to cut herself and she died. Your mum couldn't handle it and she died," I confirm.

"How do you know?" Nick, Evan Samantha and even Max says in sync.

"I haven't been living in a cloud my whole life. I've obviously heard the rumors. I just never thought they were true," I answer.

"She's not as dumb as as she is gullible," Nick comments.

"I'm not gullible. I'm just an idiot for thinking you were a good guy. I can't believe I pitied you," I defend myself.

"You are all going to die starting with Taylor and Damon," he completely ignores me.

"What did you do to them?" Evan asks getting furious.

"Well Taylor's going to die slowly from a loss of blood, and Damon was stabed with a knife, so he'll die from his wound becoming infected. Then it's little miss manners next to go," he informs us.

With that he walks out of the room with Samantha by his side.

A crazy bitch and a man forged in hell.


Once Damon and Taylor are dead, I will be too. And I can't die.

Not without seeing my dad.

This is one of those times when I need someone who will tell me everything will be okay.

My dad isn't here, my mum isn't here, my brother isn't here and my sister isn't here.

I have no one right now. This is more of something that Lauren would want in her life. Drama.

If Kendall, Nicole and Lauren were here, Nick and Samantha wouldn't stand a chance.

With Kendalls fighting skills, Nicoles gymnastic tricks and Laurens tendency to rant, we could be unstoppable.

But those are possibilities. And the problem with possibilities are the fact that they're not what is actually happening.

It's just that tiny speck of hope, that gets you true the night.

And that's the only thing that will get me true this one. The possibility that something good could happen.

To think a couple weeks ago my nightmare would be living beside Evan, when in real life, that was an angelic dream compared to this.

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