Chapter 22) The Missing Game

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Chapter 22

The Missing Game

Rachels P.O.V

Thursday. I have been here for five days.

I can't stand it here. The only time I ate this week was when Evan forced Nick to get us McDonalds.

Me and Max ate, but Evan didn't. He tried to give us his food but I rejected it.

And it's so surprising. I have never rejected free chicken in my life.

But if we want to leave everyone needs to be strong and have the strength to run for their lives.

If we ever want to get home, courage is going to be a must have.

Cause home is what I miss.

I cannot believe I'm saying this, but I actually miss Becky's annoying questions.

I miss my brother telling me off about saying that Star Wars and Star Trek were the same thing.

Even though they are.

I miss my mum complaining about how non of her kids do anything but yet I'm washing the dishes.

I miss Kendall fighting with me over my lip gloss.

I miss Lauren being cheeky to Mr. Duke over how much an idiot Juliet is.

I miss Nicole fussing over my make up and telling me how much my hair looks better wavy.

I miss it all.


"Nick," I call for the millionth time. "My back is sore. Can you give me a massage?"

"Rachel, no," he answers back annoyed.

"Nick, I need to go to the toilet," Max bothers him.

"Jay, take him to the bathroom," he orders.

"His name is Jeremiah," I correct Nick.

"Nick, can you lend me money for a new motorbike? I don't know what Samantha did to Jade," Evan asks.

Our sort-of-a-plan plan, is to get Nick mentally frustrated.

And asking him questions is exactly what we need to push him off the edge.

"Can we watch a movie? I'm bored," I moan.

"We could watch 'Jackass' since that's what you are Nick. Or Taken, since that's what we are," Evan cockily replies.

I miss home. I miss my warm king size bed.

I have to go from luxury to an old restaurant storage room, in the middle of nowhere.

The place is small, and you would think that there would be food in this place. But it's absolutely empty.

"Noooooooooo!" I scream.

"What now?" Nick says.

"I haven't been on Facebook in less than a week. People are going to think I'm dead," I fake sob.

Suddenly, Evan pulls me into his arms and strokes my arm.

"It's okay Rachel. When we come back home we can post death threats on Nick's Facebook page," he soothes.

"Nick, if you don't want people to make you commit suicide, than you should let us go," I threaten him.

"Yeah, I have math with Angel. She is a sex babe," Evan adds.

"Someone shoot the girl. She is seriously annoying me," Nick begs.

"Can we watch Marley And Me? I always watch it with my dog. It is such a great movie," I ignore him.

"Don't even bother. She isn't worth it," he leaves the room with his boys, just as Max enters.

"Evan, I may have peed on Jeremiah a little," Max confesses as Jeremiah ties him up and leaves us on our own.


"Good work guys. Tomorrow we annoy him even more. He's bound to crack by then," I praise them.

"Once Saturday comes we'll be home playing Fifa and Nick and Samantha will be in jail," Max adds.

"I say the judge will give them at least 25 years in prison. Then Damon and Taylor will be fine. As long as they're alive," Evan finishes.


What is Rachel, Evan and Max's plan? Is Damon and Taylor still alive?

Or is Samantha and Nick going to do something before they have a chance?

Find out in; The Kissing Game.


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