Chapter 6) Living On The Wilds Side

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Chapter 6

Living On The Wilds Side

Rachels P.O.V

I guess you're wondering why I'm sat outside the principles office.

It isn't my fault. It is completely and 100% Damon, Taylor and Evans fault.

All I just did was one silly dare. But mum isn't gonna think about that, is she.

She'll probably just say everything was my fault and to not blame the boys for any of it.

But that's not the worst thing, who knows what she's going to do to me. Or what she will say to my dad when he comes back home.

Rachel, be honest with yourself. It was more than one dare. Probably at least three or four. And you did have a choice to or not to do it.

Thanks for being on my side about it. I was practically dragged into it. It was peer pressure.

Wow, I sound like I was doing drugs.

Just admit the truth Rachel.

OK, maybe it was around four dares, but I was living on the wild side for once in my life.

Or as Evan likes to call it 'The Wilds Side'.

Cause it's how he acts and his last name is Wilds and-.

I'm pretty sure they get the point.

It was like I could feel the wind in my hair. The sky was bluer, the sun shined brighter. Everything was bigger and better.

I saw the world in a different point of view. It was fun. It was amazing. It was astonishing, fascinating, incredible, marvelous, surprising, unbelievable.

It was truly and utterly wonderful.

Once I started I just couldn't stop.

And to be honest with you, I would not take one bit back. And I would definitely do it all over again.

Some of it.


The first dare of the day was at Assembly. Where I found out how we were supposed to have a food fight.

Note to self: never trust Taylor and Damon to plan something, anything.

It didn't go well. It didn't go well at all. Although, I didn't get into trouble, I ended up with apple pie in my bra.

But that wasn't even the worst part. When I got out I found Nicole upset.

"Those were my pastries," she sobbed, "Pastries I made for my exam."

I felt so bad. I had just started a food fight with my best friends exam.

Could the day have gotten anymore worse?

The answer to that is NO.

Its like karma was working in reverse.

Everything bad that happened today, was awarded with awesome dares and an awesome time.

I didn't get in trouble for the food fight because some guy through a cake at Mr. Duke.

I think he has angry issues.

So did the boys because that was the next dare.

"Yes, I would like to sign Mr. Paul Duke to an hour a day of anger management classes. Yes, this is his credit card number. Thank you. No, thank you," I said to someone who works at 'The Anger Management Department' while holding his card in my hand.

5 minutes later, I heard Mr. Duke yell at the top of his lungs.

Then when I went to English class Ashley rampages through the class and gives out to me for dissing her off on Facebook.

I don't know why, but I felt extremely strange. Before I knew what I was doing, I was throwing punches at her.

I got a little bruise on my cheek. But I bruised Ashley's eye and I broke her nose.


I mean, I shouldn't have done that.

Again I didn't get caught. Am I good at not getting caught or are the teachers just blind?

When math started I was so bored, I started making sex noises.

Like I was really bored.

Didn't get caught again, again again, again- I think.

But that don't matter.

Lunch time me, Nicole, Lauren, Damon, Taylor and Evan (Kendall was in detention for some reason) played truth or dare outside.

I was dared to graffiti Mr. Nickerson's car.

I used my pink highlighter to scribble 'I love Justin Bieber' all over his brand new sports car.

Which brings me to the last dare.

Well it's more like an accident than a dare.

I was about to stick a One Direction poster on the window of the passenger seat when I accidentally hit something, and the car went down the road and..... crashed into a tree.

That wasn't my fault. If people just decided to make roads flat, I wouldn't be in this mess.


Remember when I said karma was working in reverse. I lied.

It was just working slower.

And when I said, I wouldn't take one bit back. I lied again.

Today is a very shity day.

And it's about to get more shity.

So that's why I'm outside the principles office. And that's why I'm going to die once my mum sees me.

Oh-oh, she's coming out.


Chapter 6 completed.

Rachel and Ashley are fighting which is going to make an awesome next chapter.

I need to add some more information about Evan. Maybe give you a little inside scoop on him.

Vote, follow and comment if you want me to keep writing :-D

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