Chapter 29) The Running Game

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Chapter 29

The Running Game

Rachels P.O.V

I don't think I can go on. This restaurant is a maze. I can't find the exit. Or see it or anything for that matter.

Everything looks like big blobs. And this time, I'm not faking.

It's like someone forgot to finish drawing their picture, and just went straight to coloring everything.

I feel hot and sweaty and I can't breathe. My heart is thumping so loud. It's going in an irregular pattern.

"Come on Rachel. We need to go," Evan says wearily to me.

I can barely hear him over my heart beat. I'm not even sure if he's speaking like this on purpose.

"Evan I, I, I, I-."

Evans P.O.V

"Rachel. Don't you dare die on me!" I run back to her after she collapsed.

"Evan, if we don't go now, we won't go at all," Taylor warns me.

"Keep going. Find a way out of this place. I'll get Rachel," I tell them.

They race around the corner. But as their footsteps start to fade, a pair of feet become louder and louder.

"Evan! Where the hell are you?!" I can hear Nick shout. He is coming closer and closer.

"Okay Rachel, it's time to go."

I lift her up and carry her in my arms. I run the same way Taylor and Damon did holding Rachel.

"Evan, we found an exit," Damon pants, running back to me.

I follow him down a few caradors, until we see Taylor standing at a fire exit door.

We run past a few buildings and round a corner.

"Do any of you know where we're going? Or where we are?" Taylor asks looking back.

We all stop. None of us knew the place. Or had been here before.

It was an unknown territory that none of us had discovered before.

"Hi, I was here on a trip and got lost," Damon asks a man that just came out of his car. "So I was wondering if you could take us to Rivervill Hospital. Our friends been injured and she really needs to get to that exact hospital."

He looks familiar. But I don't know where I know him from.

"Sure," he says, signaling us to get into his car.

I know you're not supposed to get in a strangers car, but this is an emergency.

Plus I can see Nick down the road. He can't see us, but he's seriously close. Like six meters close.

I gently place Rachel in the car and jump in beside her.

"Could you go now and as fast as you can go," I urge him to leave.

He pulls out of his parking space and drives to the main road.

Nick doesn't notice me, but I know he'll be back to kill us.

"Let me guess, you got in trouble with a mr Nick Matson?" the man guesses.

"Why say that?" I question him suspiciously.

"Well, you were in a rush to leave when he was heading this way. And you looked away when he we drove past him."

"Lucky guess," I mumble under my breath.

I still think I know him. He isn't someone who we can really trust.

A random man from the street?

For all we know, he could be working for Nick and Samantha.

I know I've seen him around. I just can't remember who he is.

But all that is just going to have to wait.

Cause Rachel needs medical attention and her family, right now.

If this guy will take us to the hospital, then who am I to stop him from saving Rachels life.

She's my number one priority right now.

So I can't let her die. Not without telling her how I feel about her.

How I really feel.

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