Chapter 2) The Neighbors Are.... Him

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Chapter 2

The Neighbors Are.... Him

Rachels P.O.V

The car ride home is silent. Just me, my sister, my brother and my mum, coming from the zoo.

I have bird shit in my hair, ketchup on my favorite t-shirt, ketchup that I didn't even get to eat with my chips. All I really want to do is jump in my 1z and sleep.

We reach the house and there is a massive van parked in my neighbor's driveway.

I wonder who's moving in.

I guess whoever's moving in is in a rush.

The Hardin's only finished moving out this morning.

If it has to be anyone, I hope it isn't a hot guy.

That would mean I would have to look sexy taking out the trash, and no more walking out with pj's on!

I'd probably have to look sexy meeting up with my friends.

Oh, please let him be ugly, please let him be ugly. No, don't let it be a boy. Because if it is, he can have hot friends.

Please don't let it be a boy, please don't let it be a boy, I chant silently to myself as I stumble to my room.

The thought of a fit neighbor won't leave my head. At least I'll have school to talk about it with Nicole, Kendall and Lauren.

But Nicole would only want to talk about the clothes he/she wears, Kendall would just cause a hole lot of aggro for herself and Lauren would just think of the worst possible scenario. Something along the lines of 'serial killer'.


"Rachel! Get your good clothes on. The new neighbors are coming for dinner," my mum yells from downstairs.

Peace, the one thing I ask for but I can't have.

Just a little peace and quiet, just to not be disturbed by my brothers brutal Dark Vader impression, or my sisters need to ask me a bunch of questions that don't make sense.

All I want is a simple hour of sleep. Must it be a crime for me to sleep? Just to curl up under the covers and drift off. But no.

Does anyone care about my happiness?

I roll over in my bed, causing me to land on the floor.

I pick myself off the ground and grunt all the way to my wardrobe.

"Rachel! You better be getting dressed. They'll be here in half an hour!" mum yells again to me.

"I am getting dressed in my best clothes," I scream back at her.

She walks in my room and points a finger at me.

"I know you probably don't want to have dinner with the neighbors, and I understand that, but if you ever give cheek to me like that again, I will send you to a boarding school. Do you hear me?"

I hate it when my mom says that. It means she's being one hundred percent serious with me. And I know for a fact she will send me to a boarding school.

Wait. If my mum is being serious about this, that could only mean, we have an important guest to impress.

"Yes mum, I won't do it again."

She walks out of my room, with an 'I just won against my daughter' smile on her face.

I get dressed in my red dress and put on a pair of black boots.

'I knew you were trouble when you walked in

So shame on me now

I flew me to places i'd never been

Now i'm lying on the cold hard ground

Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble.'

My ring tone went on.

I take my phone from the charger and answer the call.

"Rachel! Rachel! Rachel! You have to come over right now. You'll never guess who's at my house," Nicole squeals over the phone.

"Coley, you can't imagine how much I want to go, but my mum is forcing me to have dinner."

"Fine, I'll come to yours. Ooh, I hope your mum's making her famous curry sauce."

"Nicole you can't come here, because I have to have dinner with the new neighbors."

"Is he hot, is he hot, is he hot, is he hot, is he hot, is he-."

"Nicole, if I knew I would wear something better than what I'm wearing right now," I cut her off.

"If you are not wearing clothes that don't go, I will marche up to your house and hit you with your worn out black boots that you always wear."

It's like she can see through my phone.

"Rachel put on your pink fancy dress, you know, the one that I borrowed for prom last year, and put on a pair of matching sparkly pumps," she tells me.

I do as she says and put it all on.

"Now what's your issue, little miss fashion," I ask her.

"Taylor Davis is currently downstairs talking to my dad about a job at his sport gear shop. Well, his mom is the one doing the talking, but its for him."

"Rachel. The Wilds are here," my brother Luke says, popping his head in and out the door.

"Right, I'll talk to you later Nicole. But you have to tell me everything that happens. If Taylor starts working at your dads shop, I tell you, I'll be there every day. Good luck."

We say our goodbyes, and I head downstairs to meet the neighbors.

That's when the boy with the messy hair, sexy blue eyes, bad boy of Coral Green, looks up at me and says, "Hey."


Ooh who do you think the new neighbors are?

Thanks for still reading this book and I hope you like it.

I have some plans for the musketeers. Plans involving the girls, Ashley and Ellen.

So vote, follow and comment if you still want me to keep working on it.

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