Chapter 3) Playing Is For Five Year Olds

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Chapter dedicated to @Hekate591


Chapter 3

Playing Is For Five Year Olds

Rachels P.O.V

"H-h-hey E-E-E-Evan," I stutter.

"It's pronounced Evan. One 'e'," Evan cockily replies.

When my brother said 'Wilds' I didn't realize that it's Evan Wilds from school. I also didn't realize that he said Wilds.

But it's not my fault. Nicole has a serious issue.

No wonder why he was in the Hardin's garden yesterday.

But still, I can't have dinner with Evan. I refuse to have dinner with Evan.

How in the world can I live beside him.

"Rachel, apologize," my mum urges me.

"Ssss-sorry, Evan with one 'e'," I apologize.

"Whatever, lets just get to this shity dinner already," Evan replies unamused.

"Evangelos Ericsson Wilds, use your manners," Evan's mother tells him.

I do my best to hold in my giggles. But every time I do it, my laugh just comes out ten times louder.

"Sorry, my sister can act so immature sometimes," Becky says stepping closer to Evan and shaking his hand with a signature smile.

Hold up! Is my sister, Becky the 9 year old girl, flirting with Evan, who is twice her age?

Time for me to stop this.

"Evan, right this way." I break my sisters grip and drag Evan to the dinner table.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see my brother giving me a strange look. I also see my sister giving me an 'oh, you did not just steal my man' glare.

My mum and Evan's mum sit beside each other. Becky sits diagonally from Evan's little brother, Max and Luke sits opposite Becky.

Leaving me to sit on either side of Evan.

Oh great. Let the avoiding conversation games commence.


"Rachel, I said, could you get the dessert," my mum says snapping me back into reality.

"Come on, I'll help you," Evan offers taking my hand and dragging me to the kitchen.

"Look, I do not want your help Evan," I complain, only to see he's closing the kitchen door, "So just go b-."

Evans lips pressed up against mine stop me from finishing my sentence.


An explosion of total peace and serenity flows through me. The kiss; hard, but soft; fiery but cool; a split second but also forever.

And also a first.

We tear apart and there is a silence. Not awkward, just, silent.

But to me it feels more like a moment.

"I knew you wanted me, but I didn't know you wanted me that much," Evans cocky side is back.

Some guys are selfish, some guys are manipulative bastards playing with emotions.

Evan just so happens to be both.

"I did not, do not, and will not want you. I mean, you were the one who kissed me in the first place, " I argue.

"Me, you're the one who leaned in. All I was going to do was get whatever dessert your mum's made. You practically raped my lips."

"Oh, hell no. Is that what you call it now 'raping lips'? You dirty, dirty boy."

"I'm not a boy, I'm a man," he disagrees.

"Oh, you buy your tighty-whities yourself now."

I quickly grab the chocolate covered cake off the table and rush to the dinner table, before Evan can make his comeback.


"Thanks Lynda, the dinner was fantastic. You have to give me the recipe sometime," Evans mum says to my mum.

"Oh, Serena, your to nice, isn't she Evan," my mum confronts him.

She probably noticed the fact that he's texting someone.


"Em, yes," he replies.

I'm guessing he doesn't have a clue about the current conversation.

"Mum, can me and Max go play on my playstation 4?" Becky asks.

"Of course, you can. Rachel, why don't you and Evan go play in your room," mum suggests.

I look at my mum, "I stopped playing when I was 10."

"Playing is for 5 year olds," Evan adds.

"Evan, Rachel, that wasn't a question," Serena backs up mum.

"Why can't Luke 'play' with Evan? They're boys, aren't they."

"So now your a bad sister and sexist. Hmm. Well unlike some people I actually have a life. So I'm gonna go, bye," Luke retaliates.

With a groan and a moan, I drag myself upstairs and to my very unorganized room.

"The freak's room looks like a normal persons," Evan comments when he sees the mess on my bed.

I burst out laughing, fake laughing. Then suddenly stop and shake my head.

Evan rolls his eyes and strolls around my room.

"Do you wanna know what I just figured out?" he asks me.

"No, but your probably gonna tell me anyways," I answer truthfully.

"The window in your room, is directly facing the window in my room."

Kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me now.

First, I had to have dinner with Evan.

Next, I have to live beside him for who knows how long.

Now, I find out the window that used to face the Hardin's spare room, is facing Evan's room.

I guess the saying is true. When it rains it pours.

How am I supposed to get dressed in the morning? What if he sneaks into my room and tries to murder me?

Jeez, Rachel. You sound like Lauren. Here's a thought, why don't you try, I don't know, pulling down the blinds and maybe, just maybe locking your windows.

Na-na it probably won't work. Like, who's ever done that before?

I don't show any of the feelings I'm having right now.

"What you gonna do, stare through my window like some perv, considering thats what you always do," I retaliate.

He puts a smirk on his face and walks to the door.

"One sec. Mom, Rachel's being mean to me! She called me a pervert!" he yells down stairs.

He told on me.

He seriously told on me.

"Rachel! How dare you use that kind of language. Your grounded!" mum declares.

Evan turns around and smirks at me, "So Rachel, lets play."


Ooh. What do you think of Evan and Rachel? Think he's a Badboy.

Or what about Evans little kiss.

Tell me what you think I should have done and what I can do. Whether you like it or not.

Make sure to comment, vote and follow.

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