Chapter 21) The Strong Game

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Chapter 21

The Strong Game

Evans P.O.V

Day 3 of our captivity.

Rachel looks like she's about to pass out any second and Max is doing his best to survive.

I don't even know what's going on with Taylor and Damon.

My mess. How many people have to pay for my mess.

I need to help them. They shouldn't have to pay.

Evangelos Ericsson Wilds, when did you lose your balls. You are acting like a pussy.

There are people who need you, and your sad you got them into this mess.

If you're really sad about it be strong and be the dick-headed Evan everyone loves.

I guess my heads right.

Of course I'm right, I'm YOU.

"Hey, Nick! Do us a favor and run down to McDonalds and get us some burgers," I order him.

"I am not your lap dog," he starts to get angry approaching me.

"Well, I'm tied up and... You're not. So get Max a cheese burger, Rachel some french fries and a soda and I'll have a bucket of chicken in KFC," I tell him our orders.

"I don't think you get the concept of being kidnapped," he says.

"I don't think you get the concept of us being hungry," I argue.

I can hear Rachel giggle. And it makes me feel better. It makes me feel strong.

"Get it. And get Samantha some ice cream," he orders his men.

Who knew me being a total ass all my life would pay off. I got my way and I got to see Rachel smile.

I also got Nick frustrated as an added bonus point.

"Evan," Rachel whispers.

"Yeah." I stare directly into her brown eyes.

"Thank you," she finishes.

"For what?"

"For doing something."

"It's no problem. You just look like sick."

"Evan, I am. I have a disease."

"Rachel, what is it?" I ask concerned.

"When I don't eat for a long time, I get this disease. They call it.... starvation," she giggles.

"Ha, ha. I actually thought it was something serious," I say, taking her into my arms.

We may be chained up, but that doesn't mean I can't comfort her.

She needs all the comforting, she can get.

"Rachel, there's something I need to tell you," I whisper.

"What?" she looks up at me.

"Your mum called me on Monday and told me your um, your dad is erm."

I can't come up with the words to tell her. How am I supposed to tell Rachel her dad is missing?

"Evan, what is it? What about my dad?" she's eager to know.

"Your dad is, he's missing," I tell her after a long breath of silence.

She just closes her eyes and looks down. But a tear drop escapes from her eyes and roles down the side of her cheek.

So I pull her into my chest even more. At this point, she cries her heart out.

It's hard to know someone is dead, but it's harder not knowing at all.

"Evan, I haven't had anything sweet in a week and I can't take it," Max groans.

"Oi, dick-heads! Get my brother a packet of gummy bears! He hasn't had sweets in over a week!" I yell to them.

If we want to survive, I'm going to have to be the alpha male and take care of them.

Then, we find Damon and Taylor, and save their asses and ours.

All we have to do is find a way to unlock ourselves, run past the guards, get Damon and Taylor, peg it outside, find a car that can take us home, call the police and get Nick and Samantha a life sentence in jail.



Chapter complete.

What do you prefer? Evan being a softy or Evan being a dick?

I feel like I've lost his jerkness along the way. He needs to be the Evan Wilds everyone calls an ass.

For the next eight chapters the title will start with The and end with Game. (Like the title)

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