Chapter 31) It's All Over

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Chapter 31

It's All Over

Rachels P.O.V

It's been a week since they let me out of hospital.

I'm not allowed to go to school or do any sports. Just the exercises I have to do to get my leg back to normal.

I haven't talked to Evan since I collapsed in the restaurant. I haven't really talked to anyone.

Everyone's been calling me or writing me cards. I've barely talked to Kendall, Nicole and Lauren.

Right now, my life sucks, and I don't want it no more. I just wish everyone would treat me normally.

The police can't find Nick, Samantha or any of his men. But they say it's all over.

I guess it is all over. Where home and nick is gone and out of our lives. I got one less problem without him.

So now my only problem is with Evan.

I told him that I loved him before, and I meant it, but, I'm pretty sure that he thought it was all part of the plan.

"Rachel, Evan's here to see you," Luke informs me, stepping into my room.

Speak of the hotty.

"Hi, Rach. I brought you chocolate, but Becky took them," he tells me.

I vaguely nod my head and just look away. The last thing I want to do is to make eye contact with Evans beautiful blue eyes.

"How's your leg?" he questions sitting down on my bed beside me. "Sorry, stupid question."

"Evan, I love-," I stop.

I can't say the words that I've been longing to say.

"You love what?" he turns to smile at me.

"I love you," I blurt out.

"What," his eyes grow.

"I love you to get me water. I mean, I would love you to get me a glass of water," I correct overly emphasizing the would.

"Sure," he gets off my bed and goes to get me it.

"Rachel Williams, you big mouthed dork," I shout to myself, "I love you to get me water? That's not even English. No wonder why he doesn't love you back, your crazy in love with Ev-."

"Sorry, I just thought you were saying something to me," Evan's signature smirk is back.

"I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to.... Lauren. Yeah, Lauren. She's seriously in love with you," I try to lie.

He steps closer to me. No, more like glides closer. Like he has another one of his cheeky player boy game.

"So she would mind if I did this."

He leans in to me and pulls me closer to him. And with his pretty pink lips kisses me.

When his lips press against mine, I feel like everything is write with the world.

It's like every time he kisses me, it gets better and better.

He wraps his arms around my waist and closes the little between us. I can feel his warm, muscular chest on mine.

It's a kiss better than you see in all the movies.

It's perf-

"Rachel!" Becky screams, barging into my room, which causes us to stop.

Becky you stupid, asshole of a bitch.

I feel like scratching her eyeballs out.

"What do you want Becky," I say through my tightened jaw and squeezing my fists ready to punch her.

"Evan has a phone call," she walks over to him and hands him his phone.

He must have forgot it at home or something.

"Yeah... What do you want?... Fine let's settle this where it all started... Meet me in The Holiday Home at 12 pm... But if you hurt her I'll... Just making sure," he hangs up the phone and looks straight at me.

No smile, no smirk. Just a dead serious stare.

"I'm guessing there isn't any chance of us finishing what we started?" I ask hoping that we can go back to kissing.

"That's exactly what we're going to do. End things with Nick," his tense.

"Wait, did you say we? As in you and I end things with Nick?"

"You and I, Rachel. You and I."

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