Chapter 11) Nick Matson: The Real Truth (Part 2)

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Chapter 11

Nick Matson: The Real Truth (Part 2)

3rd Persons P.O.V

Evan Wilds, strikes again.

That ass just had to make that pretty girl cry.

But poor her. She has to live next door to that prick, for God knows how long.

But I'll end her misery.

She shouldn't have to deal with him for much longer.

I guess if you want to take out the alpha male, you have to take out the whole tribe.

That's why I helped those two girls deface Damon's car.

One of them was the girl talking to Evan at Sports Shop Stop and the other chick must be her friend or something.

But I was in fits when I saw Damon's facial expression when he read what I wrote.

It's all your fault Damy. You could have saved me but you were too stupid to tell anyone.

XX Beth

Cruel: yes, mean: yes but hilarious: YES.

But hey, he got his just deserts.

The best part was the fact Beth always used to call him 'Damy'.

So it makes him think those girls are even more messed up.

But I could see two other girls from the window in the door.

If they wanted to scare Evan and Taylor, they shouldn't have used a cat or spiders.

I would have just beat the shit out of them.

Then again, I would have done that just for fun.

But it isn't my fault. The girls were the ones who started it. I just joined in on the joke.

And had the best viewing point from my car across the street.

It's funny how I can use something that happened over a year ago to hurt someone now.

So that's what I'm doing now plotting my way to destroy Evan.

I could just kill him.

But what's the fun in that?

I am going to make him pay, then I'm going to kill everyone he cares about,. That's the point when I start to toucher him.

And last but not least, I'll kill him.


Let me tell you a bit about myself before you start thinking I'm a psychopath.

My names Nick Matson.

Nick Matson's P.O.V

I used to live at Rivervill. But when Beth "left", I moved to Chicago to get away from Evan, Taylor and Damon.

What makes me sick is the fact they were my best friends.

I'm 18, a day older than Damon.

Ashley was my girlfriend before she slept with Taylor. And then cheated on him with Evan.

She told everyone she was pregnant for Taylor. But I later found out that it was mine.

A couple months later, we were back together and she got pregnant for Evan's baby.

But she didn't have an abortion. She gave the child up for adoption.

You can now see why I called her a bitch. Come to think of it, slut would have been a better word for Ashley.

But that's not why I stopped being friends with them.

Like 'bros before hoes' and everything.

It's what Evan did to my family that made us spiteful enemies.

2 years ago, my dad had an affair.

Taylor saw my dad with another woman. He was twice her age.

When we all went to tell my dad, he said it was a one time thing.

So we left it on him, to tell mum.

But the next day, Evan saw my dad with the same girl.

He didn't tell me. He left it on himself to make the decision. So he told my mum.

She was furious with dad. At the fact he cheated and the fact that Evan was the one who told her.

After that my parents split up and got a divorce.

A month later, my dad died from an overdose of drugs.

That's not even where the story ends.

No one knew that my twin sister, Jasmine had been cutting herself until it was too late.

She died from blood loss two weeks after the funeral.

My mom got sent to a mental hospital after trying to kill herself.

But she couldn't handle the pain so she drowned herself taking a bath.

I lost everyone I cared about because of that sick Evan.

And it's the truth, the real truth.


So that's why I've been planning to destroy Evan.

I started with Beth because his dad was already dead.

I tortured her. I made Evan feel every moment of the mistakes he made.

I raped her. I hit her. And then Damon walked in on me about to kill her.

But he didn't realize what I was doing. Damon is way too dumb to know what's actually going on in his life.

And in cold blood, I shot that little girl. I shot her and I didn't regret it.

It's a shame Beth had to die so young. So full of life, so full of joy.

Only six and her life was just ripped away. And big brother Evan could do nothing to save her.

She really reminds me of that girl he made cry.

I've seen her around and she reminds me of Beth.

But if she gets any closer to Evan, I'm going to have to give her the same death as Beth.

If only he didn't destroy my family, me and him could have been true brothers.

Now his brother Max is next on my list.

I'll make sure to come nice and early to pick him up from school.

Too bad everybody already hates Mondays, cause I'm gonna give them a real reason to hate it.

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