Chapter 25) The Shooting Game

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Chapter 25

The Shooting Game

Rachels P.O.V

I can't feel my left leg. I can just feel pain.

Everything seems so blurry, and I can't hear anything. It's like everyone doesn't want me to hear what they're saying.

It may just be me feeling dizzy, but I think I might have saw a tiger. A big one that went 'ROAR'.

I wonder why Evan is holding me. It feels good.

"You know what Evan, I, am in love with you. And I have been such an idiot not to tell you. Can you kiss me again?" I try to kiss him.

"Rachel, you don't know what you're saying. Your head is all over the place," he reasons.

"No Evan, I love you. Just ask my friends, they know. And I have wanted to be with you ever since we had dinner."

"Rachel I'll get you out of here," he says.

Why is everything going dark? My eyelids are extremely heavy.

Who turned off the lights?


Nicks P.O.V

These people are doing my head in.

I thought torturing Evan would make me feel better, but it's only been giving me migraines.

Thank goodness Rachel's asleep, or dead. Either way, I don't have to deal with her.

"Rachel wake up. Rachel wake up!" Evan shakes her.

"5 more minutes mum, just five more," she begs.

"She's a lost cause, you know. If she won't die now, she'll die soon," I inform him.

"She isn't going to die. I won't let her," he argues.

"It's your fault. Beth, Taylor, Damon, and now Rachel. If you had have kept your mouth shut, EVERYONE would still be alive."

"Your dad's mistakes aren't mine. I don't care what you do to me, kill me all you want but just let them go Nick, please," Evan begs.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't let them die," I demand.

"Because they're innocent people who don't deserve any of this. I am sorry for what happened. Just don't let them die."

"Jay, dump the little kid at home," I order.

"But boss-."

"No buts. You do as I say or you know where your family will end up at."

He unties Max and pushes him out the door.

"Thank you. Now, what about the rest of them?" he asks.

"Don't get greedy Evan, don't get greedy. I already saved Damon and Taylors lives and now I'm letting Max go."

"What about Rachel? Are you just gonna let her die, huh? She doesn't deserve this," he fights back.

"How am I supposed to make you suffer, if I don't kill anyone you love?"

"Evan? I can't feel my leg anymore. But I've stopped feeling the pain," she smiles.

"You should say bye-bye to Rachel, because soon enough, her leg won't be the only part of her body she can't feel."

And with that I take out my gun and shoot her again.

Only this time in the stomach.

"RACHEL!!!" he screams.

"Better say bye," I advise him again.

I walk out the room not bothering to look back at him.

Evan has destroyed me. I had everything before he came along. I'm just here to return the favor.

Besides, I can't kill him so easily. So, she just has to suffer for him right now.

It's not like I'm going to kill her.

Not now anyways.

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