Chapter 35) The End?

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Chapter 35

The End?

Rachels P.O.V

There's two words that just keep ringing in my head. Two little words that have me confused about everything. Two words that have clouded my judgment.

Those words are: The End?

It's a question everyone's been asking themselves. The question no one knows the answer to. The question we fear of finding the answer to.

Is this the end?

Is Nick alive? Is Samantha really dead? And who helped us back in the woods?

To be honest with you, I don't know what to believe.

Nick was shot, yet there wasn't a drop of blood where his body was.

None of these things add up.


"Rachel are you seeing this," Evan asks me when we're watching the news.

"The police have found two dead bodies in an explosion yesterday. The bodies belonged to 18 year old, Nick Matson and 17 year old, Samantha Brooks. Two people wanted for kidnapping and attempted murder. Now here's Glenn at the crime scene," the presenter informs.

"So they are dead," I smile.

"They are, but, how was Nick's body in the fire if he was lying dead when it happened?" he questions confused.

That's an question no one knows the answer to. And no one will ever know.

"But hey, no need to let anything get us down. Nick and Samantha are dead and we're alive. And I love you, so that's all that matters to me," Evan brighten ups the room with his signature smile.

And that makes me want to kiss him. And that's the best part, I can actually do it now.

"You guys are disgusting." "Get a room." Max and Becky interrupt us.

"They're soooo gonna hook up," I tell Evan. "Totally," he agrees.

Suddenly, Max and Becky laugh. They stop after a few seconds, in sync.

They're soo in love with each other.


Evans P.O.V

Is this the end? Is everything over? Will it all stop? Or will it continue?

Every time I go to bed, every time I wake up, I ask myself these questions.

Then I remember, no matter what happens I have Rachel. No matter what people say, she's right by my side.

And Nick is dead. When have you heard of a dead person trying to kill you?


Ashley was a little angry about it. Well a lot angry.

She even threatened Rachel yesterday.

But then I held Rach in my arms and she was fine.

None of what Ashley says can hurt us when we have each other. It's just meaningless words.

She even tried to pick a fight with Ellen for helping Rachel. For some reason, Ashley's still popular, and still a sluty bitch.

But hey, once a bitch, always a bitch.

Damon and Taylor are fine. Who knew Taylor liked Kendall.

Well, I did. But I didn't think that he meant it.

Oh well. We just need to hook someone up with Damon. But Damon isn't a 'one girl' kind of guy.

Not for a long time, anyways.


I feel weird now. Being in love is creepy.

I always used to be one of those guys who slag people in couples.

But me and Rachel have talked about it.

We'll still be those people who make fun of the people who hold hands in the shops.

"If you are 25 and over, you should not be kissing in public. If you are 24 and under, you should not be having sex in public," Rachel jokes about it.

"If you're 50 and over, it should not be illegal for you to kiss in public or private," I add.

"Are we gonna be those couples who finish each other's sentences?" she asks worried.

"Rachel, come on. I'm Evan Awesomeness Wilds and your, Rachel. Don't worry I got enough awesomeness for both of us," I joke.

She looks at me and smiles, then just snuggles in my arms.

We sit there watching t.v in silence. But it's not an awkward silence, it's nice.

I think me and Rachel are gonna last. We like each other and it's proper love.

The guy that moved in next door, to the man that was once a dick-head, then got a job, then got fired, then got kidnapped, which led to almost killing someone, and is now in love with the sweetest girl ever.

All in two months.

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