Chapter 34) The Final Battle

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Chapter 34

The Final Battle

Evans P.O.V

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Evan Wilds and his little slut, Rachel Williams," Nick interrupts us, walking from behind us.

"What did you call her?" I grab him by his collar. "I'm not going to let anyone bully my girlfriend, just because his is in love with me."

I push him back and turn around, only to be left facing nothing.

Where did Rachel go? Did she go inside? Or did Samantha take her?

If she gets hurt, I will kill Nick straight away.

No second chances.

"Oooh, scared your little girlfriend ditched you," he puts on a babyish voice. "Come on. You don't need her. It's the final battle Evan."


"You wanted to fight me. Why do we have to go somewhere else to fight?" I ask him after walking half a mile.

"Before you die, I just want to show you something." He stops at a tree that looks familiar.

"Remember this, the tree we carved our initials into when we first met," he shows me, "And after we stopped being friends you carved my name off?"

I see the initials at the bottom of the tree. And remember the summer trip we took.

"I remember when we did this. It was when we first came here. It was like our secret spot away from everyone and everything that hurt us," I remember.

"Now it's just a tree with memories of best friends. Memories, more like dreams," he spits.

I guess it ends where it all started.

This tree is when Taylor, Damon, Nick and I became best friends.

I still come here to get away from everyone. It somehow helps. But, then I always remember, you can never run from your problems. Because it'll always find you.

Now this tree will be the place where one of us dies.

The start to the end of our friendship.

"It's a shame that it has to end this way," Nick says, holding a gun to my head.

The start to the end of me.

"It doesn't have to end like this," I plead. "I have a lot to lose if I die. I care about too many people who are innocent in this mess."

But non of it works. He pulls the trigger and shoots me.


Isn't this supposed to be the point where I drop dead? Or am I already dead?

I feel the gun slip from my head.

I turn around.

I'm not dead.

But Nick's on the ground.

I check if he's breathing and he isn't.

"Evan!" Rachel screams limping over to me.

I hold her in my arms tightly. But my gaze is still fixed on Nick's dead body.

"Who killed him?" I ask Ellen, Nicole, Kendall and Lauren.

"Didn't you kill him?" Lauren questions me confused.

I shake my head.

If I didn't kill him, and they didn't, then who did?

"Ellen, who else is here," I ask her turning around.

"Well it's just u-."

She's interrupted by a loud noise.

We race through the trees to see what it is.

"Guys, look," she says pointing to The Holiday Home.

It's up in flames.

"I don't understand what's going on. How did that place explode and how is Nick dead?" Nicole asks.

We look back at what Nicole's looking at.

"He, was right there," Kendall says slowly.

His body is gone. And there's no trail or marks of where he could have gone.

How can a dead body move?


Where do you think Nick's body went? And who exploded the house? Was it Nick?

This is the third last chapter of the book. :-(

But I have decided that there will be another book. The Player Boys Game 2.

But that won't be here for a little while.

But don't worry the end is near for this love story.

Or is this just the beginning?

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