Chapter 7) Behind These Four Walls

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Chapter dedicated to Brookieismyname Thanks :-D

Chapter 7

Behind These Four Walls

Rachels P.O.V

Do you know what I don't understand? Why people have to wash clothes with their hands, when they have a perfectly good washing machine.

It just doesn't make sense to me.

But hey, at least it's not the silent treatment from mum.

She didn't say a single word to me when she took me home yesterday.

Maybe she's planning the best way to punish me. Or she could be organizing my funeral.

Either way I don't think it's good.

Why hand wash dishes when your dishwasher can do 50 plates in ten minutes.

Sometimes I just wish my dad is the one giving the punishments.

But my mum told him everything and as amazing as my dad can be, he'll just give out to me and say 'that's not the daughter I raised.'

He barely even raised me. He didn't even know I existed for the first year of my life.

I'm just scared of what's going to come next.


Evans P.O.V

"Wow, I can't believe your mum's making you do chores. That's just the worst," I sarcastically say to Rachel.

We're waiting outside Rachel's living room for our mum's to decide our punishment.

"You don't understand," she replies back to me.

"What don't I understand?" I ask her.

"Whenever I do something bad, my mum just gives me a lecture about it. Then everything is fine. But it's.... different."

Rachel looks like she's about to cry. Something must be going on in her pretty little life.

"Different how?"

"I have been in big trouble in my life, but I don't know what's going to happen to me. My mum always said she'd send me to boarding school. Maybe she will now. To be honest with you, I don't want to leave my friends or my school," Rachel sobs.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, my mum took away my baby," I console her.

"You have a kid?" she turns to look at me.

"Yeah, oh sweet, sweet Jade," I answer. "She didn't even let me put gas in her one last time."

She wipes away her tears and gives me a strange look, like I'm crazy.

"Jade, my beautiful YamahaFZ-09 motorbike. I feel so empty without her."

She giggles, trying not to cry. I feel something warm up inside me. A feeling I've never felt before.

But before I can say anything, our mums call us in.

I sit down on the couch opposite them and Rachel sits beside me.

"We have come to a reasonable decision," mum starts.

I don't want Rachel to get in trouble for dares that were all my fault. She deserves better. I need to do something about this.

Then I need to find out why I care.

"It was all my fault. Rachel had no part in it. So you can't punish her for any of it. And I'm ready to take whatever punishment you give me," I confess.

Rachel, Lynda and mum all look at me in surprise.

"Rachel is this true?" Lynda asks her daughter.

She gives me one last look before answering. So I take this opportunity to encourage her to agree with me.

"Yes," she whispers.

"Well then Evan, no girls, no phone, no laptop, no car, and your grounded for a month. You're going to be working every single day until you can pay for Mr. Dukes classes and Mr. Nickerson's car. That was a very fullish thing for you to do, and I don't appreciate you dragging Rachel into your mess," my mum declares.

My heart just broke. No girls. What am I supposed to do with my life.


"Evan, why did you take the blame for it?" Rachel asks breaking the awkward silence in my room. "Did you do it so I can owe you. Did you do it for sex."

Me, have sex with Rachel. She wishes.

"Do you like skittles?" I change the subject.

"You didn't answer my question." she points out.

"I love the red ones. They're my favorite. You?" I ignore her.

"I like green skittles," she gives in.

I don't tell Rachel why I took the blame. Mainly because I don't know why I did it.

Rachel's like a puzzle. You start it, then you suddenly realize that you're missing pieces.

She's just like Beth.

Dude, she may be like her, but she ain't no Beth. No one is.

I wonder if I'll ever find out what happened t-.

"I'm going to go buy you some skittles. To say thanks," Rachel interrupts my thoughts.

She gets up and walks out my room.

Well at least I'll have food instead of everything I've lost.

God help me.


Rachels P.O.V

I feel like I'm about to get sick. I am full of skittles. Most of them weren't even the green ones.

"Rachel, can I speak to you in the kitchen," my mum calls out.

Not another lecture.

I am not in the mood for one.

"Yes mum," I say as I approach the kitchen.

"Rachel, take a seat." She points me in the direction of a stole and I hop on.

"I am very sorry for blaming you. None of it was your fault. I should have known Evan was the bad influence. Not you."

I feel so bad. It is completely and 100% my fault. Why the heck did Evan take the blame? Now I'm gonna live the rest of my life with a guilty conscience.

I would confess but Evan would just get into more trouble. Why is life so complicated.

"Mum it's alright. I just wish you would go easy on Evan. He's really taking this hard," I persuade her.

"I thought you hated Evan. Why are you sticking up for him," mum questions.

"Because I like him."

Before I even know what I'm doing the words come right out of me.

I just told my mum that I like Evan Wilds.

Now I really feel sick.


Last chapter till after the summer holidays :-(

Evans P.O.V, what you think. Or who do you think Beth is?

Tell me what you think.

Vote, comment and follow, and I'll see you after the summer.

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