Chapter 26) The Home Game: Rachel

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Chapter 26

The Home Game: Rachel

Laurens P.O.V

Back At Home

I can't believe it's Friday and there still is no sign of Rachel, Evan nor Max.

Damon and Taylor have went totally a-wall, or a-wol, or however you say it.

Nicole has been crying like waterworks about losing her 'best friend'. Then I said, "What about me", and she didn't even answer.

And I've been doing soo much more than everybody else.

I babysat. I was everyone's shoulder to cry on. And I mean EVERYBODY. I helped everyone. I explained what was going on, because somehow, that's the new topic in school.

And then I got into a fight with Ashley because she says it was Rachel's fault for why Evan is missing.

So I...

Wait... That's what Kendall has been doing.

I knew it didn't sound right.

Well, I was all tears, no action.

Yeah that sounds better.

Crying my heart out on Kendall's shoulder. This whole situation has made me start to cry myself to sleep now.

Rachel was my best friend since I started Kindergarden. She was my first B.F.F.

Then Kendall, then Nicole.

I just want my best friend back.


Nicole's P.O.V

I hate this.

Why is Rachel still missing? It's been six days. And still no word.

I can't take it no more. We have all been trying to stay strong, but, once me and the girls are apart, there is nothing stopping us from breaking down.

We've been getting special treatment in school by the teachers. So it doesn't matter if we don't do our homework.

I guess that's a positive. The only positive.

Most people just stare at us when we walk down the hallway. Or when we walk in a room everyone just stops talking.

As much as I like attention, I don't like this kind.

Rachel, Evan and Max need to come home.

They could be kidnapped, or hurt, or in Paris, or worst yet, dead.


Kendalls P.O.V

"It's okay Mrs. Williams. They'll be alright," I console her.

"You don't understand. My daughter is missing and I don't know where she is or whether she is alive or dead. Everything is not okay!" she sobs at me.

"Look Mrs. Williams. I know that none of this is okay, but... You just have to pray she is fine," I calm her down.

"Look, I have to go and take care of my sister. But if you need anything, anything at all, just call me."

I say goodbye and leave her house.

I just feel so sorry for her family. If my sister was missing, I know my mum would be just like her.

But Nicole's mum, Lauren's mum and my mum have all been consoling her.

When Rachel went missing, I felt like my whole world did a cartwheel and fell flat on its face.

I just wish that I was a better friend to her. Especially when she missed the tryouts. We were the worst to Rachel then.

I so would take back every fight or argument we've ever had to see my best friend again.


Lyndas P.O.V

What do you do? What do you do when your daughter and your husband is missing?

How do you cope with the pain?

The answer; You don't.

I can hardly even breath. I've tried to stay strong for Becky and Lukes sake, but....

Look at me. I'm a 34 year old woman who can't stop crying.

I know, I had Luke when I was 14. Young.

But I love all my children and you can see why I can't stand the fact that my daughter is missing.

I should have known that Evan would get her into trouble.

We don't even know who took them. They could have even ran away together for all we know.

But I know Rachel wouldn't leave without saying something.

And that's the problem. I don't know Rachel. She's been so distant with me for a long time.

I remember when she was little, she would never leave my side.

Whenever I left her with my family, she would always cry until I came home from school.

She was always so happy and energetic. She was my little, innocent girl.

I feel like I don't know her anymore. Like I've lost her.

I don't think my family can handle my husband being missing. How will my family handle both of them missing.

I just pray that I find them, soon.

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