Chapter 13) Before I Ever Met Evan

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Chapter dedicated to Krumble


Chapter 13

Before I Ever Met Evan

Rachels P.O.V


The second worst word in the whole, entire world.

After homework of course.

Turns out the school were shocked when I wasn't in, so they rang my mum in the first period.

But I honestly don't know who was more surprised.

My mum with the fact, I had ditched, or the school with the fact that I ruined my perfect attendance.

I got my laptop and my phone taken away. I'm stuck on all the chores for a month. I can't leave the house, unless it's for school.

And guess who gets to be my personal chauffeur? Evan.

As if my relationship with him wasn't bad enough.

How am I supposed to go to and from school everyday with Evan in the car.

Oh, I almost forgot what's going to happen.

'Tryouts, were yesterday and you missed it, Rachel. Like seriously, we had a pact'.

That's going to be Nicole, if you didn't already figure out.

How am I going to face everyone in school.

Rumors don't form easily, but they spread like that.

I wish I could be like Sleeping Beauty and never wake up so I don't have to face my problems.

"At least I have you, Rocky. At least you're always there for me, unlike my family," I whisper to him.

And it's true. Rocky has never left me or hated me. If it wasn't for him, I don't think I could be coping.


Whisper, whisper, whisper.

You can see everyone staring at me. The finger pointing and the laughing, is enough to drive anybody insane.

"Well well well, if it isn't the schools latest rebel," Ashley greets, standing at my locker with Ellen.

I honestly don't have time for this bitch to piss me off.

"And if it isn't the biggest slut of the town," I retaliate.

"Can't say much from the whore, who slept with Jamie Whitehall," she replies.

Me, with Jamie Whitehall. The man whore of the school.

Yeah, cause I'm that desperate.

"Why would I ever sleep with Jamie Whitehall? I know you would, but I actually have some self respect," I answer back.

'Ooooooh', the whole hallway went.

"Now if you'll excuse me I have to go to class." And with those words, I slam my locker and walk away.

I am not going to stand around and take shit from anyone. Expecially not from Ashley or her lap dog, Ellen.

Today is going to be a terrible day. Maybe even the worst day of my life.

Why can't I just go back to the nobody I was before I ever met Evan.

Before I talked shit to Ashley, before I talked to a complete stranger, before I ditched school, before I argued with Evan, before I lied to my mum. before I played pranks on him, before I bought a cheerleader outfit, before I was mean, before my car broke down, before I got grounded, before I broke Mr. Nickerson's car, before I graffitid it, before I made sex noises in class, before I got into a fight, before I prank called anger management, before I ruined Nicole's exam, before I started a food fight , before I called Ashley a manwhore, before I used my mum's credit card without asking, before I gave the musketeers a lift, before I twerked in history, before I had to play with Evan, before I kissed him, before I had dinner with his family, before I saw him staring at me, before I saw him in the Hardin's garden.

Before all of that!

Why can't I go back to the me I was before I ever met Evan.

You could have just stuck with 'never meeting Evan' instead of saying that big, long paragraph.

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