Chapter 4) Challenge Excepted

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Chapter 4

Challenge Excepted

Rachels P.O.V

"So Rachel, lets play."

"Are you serious? Are you actually being serious?" I ask.

"That is what your mom said. Maybe I should tell her your being disobedient."

That ass. I didn't even know he knew words that big.

"Fine, I'll play your stupid, little game. What do you want to play? Truth or dare? Spin the bottle? Dungeons and dragons?"

"First of all, I'm not a nerd like you. Secondly, I only play spin the bottle with girls who turn me on," Evan replies, "But truth or dare sounds nice. Or maybe even dare or double dare."

"Good. I dare you to get out of my room," I dare him.

"I dare you to twerk in history class," Evan dares me back.

Is he for real. Me, Rachel Elizabeth Williams twerk in history. In front of Mr. Duke.

Hell to the no.

But if I don't do it, he'll think I'm too scared.

"If I twerk, you have to.... Eat with the nerds at lunch," I challenge him.

He looks scared.

I knew he was too chicken. Cause I ain't twerking in history.

"Challenge excepted."


Evans words filled my mind all night long.

Challenge excepted, challenge excepted, challenge excepted.

I can't believe he's going through with it.

Doesn't he care what people are going to say?

And come on. Coral Green is only big enough for 1 slut. Just 1.

That spot is taking by Ashley.

But that's not what I am dreading.

What will people say about me? Who will people think I am?

Maybe I should just tell Evan I can't do it.

Wait, why am I so worried about this? How many times has Evan actually been in school?

That don't even matter. Why must I do his dare?

I don't need to face him. Even though history is next class.

What am I going to do?

"Class dismissed," Mr. Colvermen announces.

Time to face the music.

"Rachel! Just the girl I'm looking for," Evan greets me when I see him in the hallway.

I completely ignore him and walk in the classroom. But I'm stopped by Evan pulling me back.

"Hey, a dares a dare. You have to do this."

"Evan get your dirty hands off me. I am not going to do your stupid dare okay. So just leave me alone," I truthfully tell him.

Again, I walk away from Evan but again he manages to stop me.

"Rachel, when have you ever done something.... courageous? Something no one's ever done before? Don't you wanna know what it's like to live on the wild side? Please Rachel."

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