Chapter 12) Ditched School

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Chapter dedicated to Mary_591


Chapter 12

Ditched School

Rachels P.O.V

I don't want to go to school today. I just want to stay home and drown in my tears.

Yesterday was horrible. But today is going to be even worse.

This is supposed to be a happy week for me.

My dad's coming back for a visit at the end of the week.

But I can't stop thinking about him. I can't stop thinking about Evan.

I don't understand what we did that was so wrong.

Kendall and Nicole only spray painted "Call me a Directioner, Harry Styles for me", and suddenly we're sick.

I just don't understand what we did that was so mean.

Like what was yesterday. Why is September the 14th so important to them?

"Rachel, come on. Its time to go to school. The cheerleading tryouts are today," mum disturbs me from my train of thoughts.

"I don't think I can go to school. My car is broken and I feel way too sick. I think I'm coming down with a fever," I lie to her.

She checks my forehead to see if I have a temperature.

"You don't feel hot. Plus I know you're lying. Go get dressed and I'll ask Evan if he can take you to school," she orders me.

"No-no-no-no, I'll walk," I insist.

The last thing I want is to be stuck in a car with Evan for ten whole minutes.

"Don't worry Rachel, he'll do it, no problem," mum urges, then rushes out the door before I can say anything.

Why does karma hate me so much? What did I do to deserve this?


No eye contact. No talking. No looking and no finding interest in anything.

If I don't make any contact with Evan, he won't make any contact with me.

"Who's Beth?"

Me and my big, fat, annoying mouth.

Whatever happened to no contact?

"Why do you care?" he retaliates. "You know what, how do you even know about her? Why did you write that on Damon's car?"

"I knew he didn't like One Direction, but I didn't know he hated them that much," I answer.

"Don't play dumb Rachel. You know nothing about Beth so stop writing her name on people's cars," Evan practically yells at me, stopping the car.

"No one wrote anything about her on any car. We don't even know who she is."

"Rachel stop lying to me! Just stop lying," he comes his voice.

"Evan we didn't do anything." I could feel my eyes getting watery.

"Just get out. I don't want to speak to you," he orders.

I grab my bag and get out of his car.

He drives away, leaving me to walk to school. But school is the last place I want to go to.

So I don't go. I don't go to school.

I go to my favorite place in the world. The only place that's ever made me feel happy.



I just ditched school. I've never done that before.

I ditched school to hang out in the park and draw pictures of my surroundings.

I am going to be in trouble when my mum finds out.

I should have brought Rocky here.

Rocky loves running around in the par-.

Okay. Maybe I'm being paranoid, but the guy sitting next to me on this bench keeps gawking at me and it's freaking me out!

"I'm sorry, is there something wrong with me that makes my so interesting to stare at?" I ask him.

"No, it's just that I've never seen such a beautiful girl, sitting on a bench all alone," he comments.

Emm, I'm not Ashley. I ain't cheap.

"Sorry, but I'm taking," I lie.

"Well, whatever guy who has you should know how lucky he is. Pretty girls like you don't come round knocking every day,"

"Okay who are you and what do you want?" I ask getting angry.

"I got to go, but I'll see you again... Rachel," he says.

"How the hell, do you know my name," I start to shout.

"It's on your necklace," he walks away.

I touch my necklace. The necklace my dad gave me.

"Do I at least get your name!"

"You'll know, soon enough!" he screams back at me.

Well, that was weird.

I have no clue who that was or what he wants. I just know that that was totally awkward.


Ooooooh, rebellious Rachel. (Kinda has a ring to it, doesn't it)

What do you think? Who do you think Rachel was talking to?

What do you think will happen to Rachel when her mum finds out? Will she be allowed to see her dad?

Early post, yeah, but I've been writing tons, because there are a lot of interesting things about to happen.

So vote comment and follow if you want me to keep you updated in Rachel and Evans lives.


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