Chapter 14) Avoiding Him Like The Plague

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Chapter 14

Avoiding Him Like The Plague

Rachels P.O.V

This whole week was shit.

It was dreadful, appalling, horrendous, atrocious, unspeakable, (I'm running out of adjectives) gruesome, monstrous, sickening.

Just plain vile.

Do you want to know why? I'll tell you why.

First of all, when lunch time came round, I felt like shooting myself. All Kendall, Nicole and Lauren could talk about was their tryouts.

"-and then Ashley fell flat on her face," Nicole laughed making it impossible for anyone to understand.

"Oh, Rach, of all days you ditch, you decided to ditch the best day of our lives," Lauren commented.

Yeah, cause the best day of our lives wasn't the day we became best friends, no.

"Sorry," I said sarcastically without them realizing.

"Girls, come on, lets talk about something other than what an amazing time we had yesterday," Kendall said on purpose.

"Yeah, what's that thing about you and Jamie Whitehall hooking up," Lauren asked.

"It's a false rumor, that I thought you guys, my supposedly best friends, wouldn't believe." I got up and left the cafeteria.

I honestly thought I could count on my best friends to stick by me, but maybe I was wrong to think that.

I went outside to get fresh air. I just couldn't stand everyone staring at me.

But that was a stupid idea, because there was even more people gawking at me.

So I spent the rest of lunch hiding in the girls bathroom.

"I think Rachel is trying to take Ashleys place. Like she does live beside him," a voice said.

I knew for a fact she was talking about me. But I had no clue who she was.

"But she could never be Ashley. She's a no one and nobody. And she's a total slob," her friend added.

"I know yeah, I wonder why Jamie ever said he slept with her. She is such a virgin." They left the bathroom giggle.

If I had came out of the stall, they would have left with the CSI and a murder investigation.

The rest of school was boring. I just couldn't seem to concentrate.

So instead of letting Evan take me home I walked.

There's no need for me to go near.

That whole day, I had been avoiding him like the plague.

No, that entire week.


When I got home everyone looked worried. Like something was seriously wrong with the world.

My mum was comforting Evans mum. She was balling her eyes out.

But I honestly didn't have time for their parental dramas.

I had my own issues.

"Rachel, come here for a sec," mum calls me.

Unless it's about food, I don't want to know, I thought to myself.

"Yes mum," I answer when I step into the living room.

"Have you seen Max today?" she asked me.

"No. Why?" I answered back.

"Yesterday, one of his friends dad called me if max could have a sleepover. Since it was his best friend, I said yes. But when I came to pick him up in school, his teacher said he never showed up," Serena sobbed.

"Maybe it's a two-day sleepover," I suggest.

I really didn't care about the matter. He probably just had a tummy ache, eating too much sweets.

"You're right, maybe I'm just over reacting," she agreed with me.

I took that as my que to leave.


The next few days went the same.

So when Thursday came rolling round, I just gave up on sitting with my friends at lunch.

Max was still missing. Still is.

So now mum is being extremely overprotective.

No surprise when Evan didn't care. Just slept with Ashley and now he's all better.

What kind of brother is that?

If that happened to Becky, I would be losing my mind looking for her. As much as she can annoy me, she is still my little sister and I will always be her older sis.

Even she is taking this harder than Evan.

Her and Max were always playing together. Non stop, crazy.

You would think they were going out if you knew the amount of time they spent together.

Last but not least, my dad isn't coming back.

He said he would but he isn't.

This week has just been filled with empty promises and I am sick of it.

So I'm gonna spend the rest of my Saturday reading the 2nd book in The Hunger Games.

"Rachel! Can you go to the store and buy me some milk!" mum yells from downstairs.

When I said my mum was being overprotective, I didn't mean she was being overprotective towards me.


This was a very hard chapter for me to write.

I had to put just enough detail to make you wondering, but not enough to make you figure it out.

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