Chapter 19) Revenge

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Chapter 19


Rachels P.O.V

"#You just gotta ignite the light and let it shine. Just own the night like the 4th of July,#" I sing as pitchy as possible.

So far I've sang; Baby, What Makes You Beautiful and now Firework.

I'm only doing this so Nick's boys can let me and Max go.

It's Tuesday now and I'm missing science with Gary Matthews, my sexy lab partner.

So they are going to pay, BIG TIME.

"Baby, you're a firework. Come on, let your colours burst. Make 'em go, aah, aah, aah. You're gonna leave 'em all in awe, awe, awe."

"Oh, Nick, hallelujah. This girl is driving me nuts with her singing. She sounds like a dying walrus, giving birth to a baby walrus, but the walrus is a dude," one of Nick's boys complain to him, when he walks in the room.

"It was dreadful when she was raping Eminem. She ruined my favorite song," the second one moans.

"Did you know that it is extremely rude to kidnap someone, then talk about that same person behind their back," I inform them.

"Put something in her mouth. We have guests," Nick orders walking out of the room.

"#I came in like a wrecking ball, I never hit so hard before-," I sing when they approach me.

"If you don't shut the hell up, I swear t-," I interrupt him. "It's a sin to swear."

"Do I care?" he asks.

"Hey, don't come crying to me when you go to hell for swearing, Jeremiah."

"Jeremiah? I thought you said your name was Jay," his friend complains.

"Never leave your phone on speaker when your around me. Isn't that right, Harrold," I turn my head to him.

"Tie a bandana around her mouth and make sure she never speaks, breathes or eats," Harrold calls the shots.

The thing about me is that, I've watched soooo many movies where people get kidnapped so I know how to handle myself.

Just like my dad said to me, "If you are ever kidnapped, you have to be extremely annoying. Like worse than Becky annoying. And if they ever come close to you, you bite like crazy. Don't forget to act like an animal to really get them frustrated."

It's funny how terrible advice, is useful advice.

As Jeremiah comes near to my mouth, I quickly retaliate and bite him like I would bite a juicy rough chicken. 


"She bites, the crazy chick bites!" he screams.

"Evan?!" I yell as I see Nick throw him into the room.

He's injured, badly. And I feel like I can't breathe.

"Max, you're okay," Evan stumbles to his brother.

"I'm fine Evan thanks for asking," I say sarcastically.

"Rach, I am so sorry. I never meant for you to get hurt," he apologizes.

"It doesn't matter. All that matters now is.... that we add Taylor Swift to our party shuffle," I joke, but really mean it.

"#We are never ever ever, getting back together. Weeee are never ever ever getting back together.# Every now. #We-."


Samanthas P.O.V


After Evan was taking I had to go get Damon and Taylor.

I drove Evans motorbike to Damon's house. It was a little far but as long as I could get justice.

Just before I came upon the last bend to Damon's house, I messed up my hair, to make it look rough and I hit my head on the wall so it would look like we were both hit.

I got a knife in my back pocket and stabed myself in the leg for an added effect.

I put Evans motorbike in a place where they were too stupid to look for it.

I arrived at Damon's house banging and started to poor out the tears.

Damon came to the door and looked at the state of me.

"What happened to you?" he asked eying me up and down.

"It's Evan, h-h-hes b-been kidnapped," I stuttered.

He looked at the wound in my leg and I clasped into his arms without saying a word.

He heled me tight. Just like he used to.

And with no second thought I stabbed him with the same syringe I used on myself.

I didn't even care.

He took one look at me and drooped down.

Suddenly Taylor walked in.

"Sammy, what the he-," he starts.

Without an instant of thought I shot him in the leg with a gun I hid in my bra.

He held his leg and screamed in pain.

"You lost the right to call me Sammy when you sold me," I said.

All I did was smile.

He looked at me in a deranged way.

I called the boys in and walked out of there.

My job was done. Now it's Nick's turn to deal with them.


Last year, when we all went to Vegas and Taylor sold me.

I thought my life was over.

I was sold to a fat drug addict as a sex slave.

But before anything could happen, Nick rescued me.

At the time, I was angry with him for killing Beth. She was like the sister I never had.

But with what Evan did to me, revenge was the number one thing on my mind.

Since then, me and Nick have been plotting against them. Plotting against all of them.

My own brother ditched me in Vegas, which hurt the most.

So Austin was the first one out. Well the first one dead.

Nick took out Ellen. Actually, he shot her older sister by an accident.

The bullet was meant for Ellen.


I was up all night working on this chapter. It was so hard to right.

So, I asked the girl who plays Samantha what her story should be.

Shout out to my sister Sammy for helping me write Samanthas P.O.V.

Tell me what you think of this chapter.

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