Chapter 16) What Happens In Vegas, Stays In Vegas

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Chapter 16

What Happens In Vegas, Stays In Vegas

Evans P.O.V

"Evan where are we going?" Rachel asks for the millionth time.

"Rachel, stop talking and just follow me," I tell her.

We're going to one of my friends sisters cabin.

She's cool, but she's really bitchy. So I think I'm gonna let Rachel do the talking.

"Evan. Who lives here?" she asks when we stop at Samantha's cabin.

I completely ignore her and knock on the door then wait for Samantha to answer.

"Oh, hell no," she says when she sees me.

"Sam, come on. I need your help," I bang on her door.

"Oh, you need my help? Did I not need your help when you abandoned me in Las Vegas," she reminds me.

Long story.

"You abandoned her in Sin City," Rachel looks surprised.

"Hey, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas," I tell her.

"Look Sam, Evan was probably a total jerk to you, I know he was to me. But I'm guessing why he came to you was because he remembered how awesome and amazing you are. And he remembered how you can help us to find Max," Rachel sweet talks.

"Fine, but I am not doing this for Evan. I am only doing it to help Max," she gives in.

I knew it was a good idea letting her do the talking.

"Thanks Samantha."

Maybe I should tell you what happened in Las Vegas. You know just in case she brings it up again


It was the summer holiday. Damon, Taylor, Austin (Sams brother), Ashley, Ellen, Samantha and I, all went away to Las Vegas.

It was fun and everything but we barely spent any time together.

Ellen and Austin were getting it off in our hotel room, Taylor got a gambling addiction, Damon met this hot stripper, Ashley was...

Actually, where was Ashley?

And I, I was grieving over my sisters death.

Anyways, by the time we were leaving, Taylor had got himself into shit, with his gambling addition.

So to pay off the guy he owed, he sold one of us. Well he sold Sam.

At the time I was sorta jealous because Samantha was worth $800,000 and I wasn't.

Like I said, Taylor got into shit, with his gambling addition.


"So where is Nick exactly?" Sam asks.

"Who said anything about Nick Madson?" Rachel asks her suspiciously.

"Since it was Nick who took Beth, I figured it would be him again," she answers. "And it's Matson, Nick Matson."

"Whatevs. But is someone going to tell me who Beth is?" she overly exaggerates.

"No Rachel. We don't know where he is but just had a hunch he'd be here, Do you know where he might be staying?" I turn to Sam, since Rachel is being useless wondering around.

"If he is here, I don't know where he would be, but I don't think it's Nicks style to kidnap someone and bring them here," she honestly tells me.

"Who said anything about anyone being kidnapped? And how would you know anything about Nicks 'style'?" Rachel turns into Sherlock Holmes.

"Jeez, Evan you have to keep your girlfriend on a leash. She's weird."

"Evan is not my boyfriend," Rachel states.

"Why do you get to say that? I'm the one who wouldn't be caught dead with you," I question.

"You'd be the worst boyfriend ever," she fights back.

"How so?"

"I'm pretty sure that the time you kissed me was the time you were going out with Ashley."

"I didn't kiss you. You raped my lips!"

"That's not even a thing, Evan! Your just saying that so you can hide the fact that you fancy me!"

"I do not! You are the one who stares through my window every time I'm getting dressed!"

"I do not! And that means you peep at me, when I'm getting dressed!"

"Says the girl who walked in on me having sex!"

"But you are-."

"Shut up!!!! You two are doing my head in," Samantha stops our argument. "Evan, you kissed Rachel. Rachel, you fancy Evan. And you both look at each other naked."

I told you she's really bitchy.


"Evan? Are you you awake?" Rachel wakes me up.

"What do you want, Rachel?"

"Evan, I want to go home," she whispers.

"Rachel, I need your help to find my brother. Your like a detective. You know exactly where to look for the clues."

"Evan I don't want anyone to get hurt."

"Come here," I order her.

She walks over to me and I grab her in my arms and pull her down to my bed, so I can make her feel better.

I'm pretty sure she needs someone there for her. And it looks like that person is going to be me.


Oooooh. How sweet is Evan?

But then again how mean is he?

To describe the next few chapters in one word, it would be JUICY.

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