You on your Period

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Your moody and have cramps.  Not a good combo.  You are always wanting something and the complete opposite at the same time.  Like to talk to Thomas but him to stay away from you, and a phone call won't cut it because you can't see his handsome face but you want that face as far away as possible but you also want to kiss him but you don't want him to touch you... you see what I mean.

He has no clue what you are like as you
Stay away from him.
The 1.5 months you were away consisted of being fertile and your period.  Your pisses at everything.  Your a bloody mess and pissed and starving.  He would not be able to handle you if he was near you.

Your moody AF.  He can't keep up with your mood swings.  Your happy then pissed then sad ect.  If he looks at you wrong you freak out.  He has learned to avoid you during this week.

You have the WORST cramps.  It's like your body is trying to kill itself from the inside out.  You usually wake up screaming in pain because it startles you.  You have a light flow and only are mildly on your last day.

You just bleed.  No pain, no mood swings or anything crazy.  Just a continual flow of Satins waterfall.  He gets scared the day you start because you are slightly grumpy but afterwards you are your happy chirpy self.

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