Deciet Catchup(63-76)

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First Sign
After being married for five months things have been going great. We've stayed in love the whole time and will be forever.

Now for the past month I haven't been able to eat. Like when food touches my mouth I gag and almost puke.

I'm 'having' lunch with Deciet when he notices that I'm not eating.

"Medusa. Are you ok?" He says grabbing my hand.

"Yeah I'm just not hungry." I smile. He nods before reluctantly turning back to his food.

Finding out
I'm out on a case when the idea to take a pregnancy test pops into my mind.  I sneak one into the bathroom and wait...

Wait.... I actually AM pregnant??? What is my team going to react... no how is Daniel going to react!?!

Telling him
I get home from my case and immediately go home and plop on the bed trying to fall asleep when someone slaps my butt.

"Excuse me! I am an agent of the FBI!" I say startled.

"I'm sorry that I startled you Medusa. But you walked past me without saying hello." Deciet says.

"Sorry Danny. But my mind is not here anymore." I sit down on Deciets lap.

"Tell me what's wrong? I'll help." He says wrapping his arms around my waist and nuzzling into my neck.

"I'm pregnant..." I say after a moment of silence.

"What?" He says sharply inhaling.

"Yeah. Surprise?"

"Oh my gosh really?" He suddenly gets excited.

"Yeah. I found out three days ago." I lean back as Deciet kisses me.

"I'm so happy." He says tears welling up in his eyes.

"Me too."

Telling his family
After the little intervention I conducted, Deciet and his brothers have gotten close.  And they've started calling us 'scarlovers'

The brothers have come here for dinner, a nice roast(no carrots) with gravy and mashed potatoes , with a fruit salad.

I'm only eating the fruit salad, as that is the ONLY thing I can stomach at the moment. Everyone looks at me funny as I stack fruit covered in sugar and lemon juice upon more fruit.

"What?" I say as Logan shakes his head.

"That's not healthy."

"Your face isn't healthy!" I bark.

"Hey.  Chill out." Patton says gently placing his hand on my arm.

"Ok.  I've been.... feeling sick," I say covering up half of the truth, "and this is literally the only thing that I can stomach."

"I'm sorry to hear that? Is there anything that we can do?" Thomas says putting his food down.

"I think I'll be just fine." I say eyeing Deciet with a sly smile. He catches my eyes and blushes.

"Something is definitely going on here!" Roman says slamming his utensils onto the table startling Virgil.

I lean to Deciet and whisper "do we tell them now? Or wait until dessert?" He laughs a second.

"I'll tell them. Just keeping being your cute self." He says pecking my cheek before turning to his brothers.

"Something is obviously going on here." Virgil speaks up skepticism laving his voice.

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