Court Case (Logan Special)

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"Cori. I'm taking you to court." I leave a voicemail for my sister.  Logan looks at me like I wasn't detailed enough.

"You should have said why." He tells me.

"She'll know.  She always does."

[a month later and the bby is born]

)in a court room(

"Your honor. My client (Y/N) Sanders has said that Cori (L/N) has taken her child from her when she has custody of the child." The lawyer that I got says.

)idk how this works so imma skip it but if peeps know then I'm down to write it(

I won the case!  Isaac is officially going to be a Sanders and meet his little brother Matthew.  I look at Logan with a huge smile.

"Why the big smile?" He asks me.

"I'm happy my family is finally together." I hug him.  Logan holds me close for a minute before letting me go.  We hop into our car and drive to Cori's house to pick up Isaac.

"Sorry Cori...  but I have to many years to give him back." I say as Logan helps Isaac pack.

"I know (n/n)... I just miss my husband you know?  And here's a small part of him." Cori says softy.

"I wish there was a way that you could have had your own child.  But..." I say hugging her.

"Mama?" Isaac says when he sees me.

"Yes baby?" I say holding my arms out for my five, almost six, year old son. He gladly runs to them and I kiss his head.

"Bye bye auntie Cori!" Isaac calls before walking out hand in mind and Logan's.

Two weeks later and we are invited to dinner at thomas' house. We of course accepted. We arrive with Isaac and little Matthew.

"Hey Lo?  Can you open the door so I can just power walk in?" I ask chuckling.  He nods and opens the door and I hurry in carrying the car seat with Isaac at my heels.

"Let my take that." Logan says taking the car seat and placing it on the floor next to the couch.

"Thank you.  Isaac, are you ready to meet your uncles?" I ask poking his sides.

"YES!" He screams.  Which catches the attention of Patton.

"Hey Logan, (y/n)!" He waves walking in.  "Who's this cutie!" He says picking up Isaac.

"You can talk." I tell Isaac.

"I'm Isaac!" He says proudly.

"It's nice to meet you Isaac." Patton laughs placing him down. "Whose is he?"

"He's mine Patton." I say.

"Oh...  when?"

"When I was a minor.  I'm a rape survivor." I say smiling sadly.  "It was my sisters late husband." I say before he asks anything.

"Oh.  At least you are ok." Patton smiles. He turns to the stairs.  "LOGAN AND (Y/N) ARE HERE!" He yells.  Four pairs of feet are heard before they appear.

"Guys this is my son Isaac.  I had him before meeting Logan." I say after picking up the boy and kissing his cheeks.

"So you have two kids now?" Thomas says patting Logan's back.

"Yeah.  Isaac is really smart and is just full of energy.  And Matthew drains my energy." Logan laughs.

"Well if you'd like we could watch these two anytime you'd like." Virgil says walking in on the conversation.

"We'll take you up on that soon." I say also cutting in.

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