Chapter 3

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I don't know whether to think Jack is interested in me or if he has some weird thing against me, but I do not like these butterflies.

Xander looked at me with pity, hoping I would say something like, "I need to talk to someone," because that's the kind of boy he is.

But how could I talk to someone like him when I didn't know him one hundred percent. He barely talks about his personal life anyway. For all I knew he could be a serial killer on the side of a grade A student. Although that isn't the case because that much was given.

"Should we go back to class?" He says after a long pause. We were in the same Spanish class and he always walks me there when we have assemblies during first period.

"Yeah let's go." I give him a giant smile as if I was excited for school.

"So I saw you talking to Jack." I was about to say something when he ran on with his thoughts. "Listen, don't get hurt, you're the type of girl that would let him get to you. He's a great boy and everything but he moves faster than you'd think and he's a bit more rough. Rough? Yeah I guess rough. Just please be careful."

"Ummm? Thanks? But he's not interested and I don't think id..."

"Just promise me you won't let him hurt you?"

"Promise!" I say giving him a sisterly smile.

"Sooooooo?" He started, "Next quarter's classes start this Monday. Does your schedule change? Please tell me your Spanish doesn't." And he gives the biggest smile and laugh I'd ever seen from him.

I laugh and give him a smile back with, "Yes my electives do but other than that no."

"Cool cool. So what electives are you taking this quarter?"

"Well now that I took my last mandatory quarter class I decided to take Sports Entertainment which is a three quarter class and choir, three quarters worth."

"She sings?!?" His smile grew and my embarrassed smile shines through my teeth and out of my mouth, "AND she's into sports?!? One lucky fellow, who's gonna get you."

His smile could give a girl goosebumps. He has perfect teeth and normal size pink lips. His eyes are captivating and the lightest blue ever. He has beautiful quiffed brown hair and perfect cheekbones. He is slightly popular among the girls but was a little too antisocial with them to be a heart breaker.

As I was day dreaming about Xander's smile, Addison grabs my hips making me jump. She chuckles hard core.

"Good one?" I say insinuating that she should calm down, "So did you get your grade up?"

"Okay I'm not some slut who flirts with teachers, I ask them what I can do to get my grade up."

"And do they answer with come to my place and help me fix the bed?" Xander smirks.

"No, because I don't fix them. I break them." She claims back laughing hysterically, "okay but really for real no it's not like that."

We chat for a couple minutes as we walk back to our classes together. Addison goes up the stairs after saying a quick goodbye and telling me she'll text me. Off to the floor her classroom is on and Xander and I continued walking straight.

"I have to grab my textbook from my locker. Don't wait up," I say stopping at my locker watching him slowly walk to the classroom.

I open my locker and grab two books, one for Spanish 5 & the other for AP English 4 which were both gifted classes. I was in all gifted classes, which is really hard but manageable.

As I slam the door, Jack is standing beside my locker looking for answers, I was really unconfident on the questions and the answers.

"Okay so this girl runs into me and falls down, she's crying and she doesn't care that she's fallen she just keeps her cool about it and acts as if she's fine and nothing is wrong. Then when she comes back out of the bathroom she claims she knows not only who I am but she claims she REALLY KNOWS me. And I barely even know this girls name let alone her. And her story,"

"Yeah, don't get me wrong I don't know you-know you, I mean I can insinuate based on ya know?. But so?" I start heading towards my class. He chases after me at a chill pace.

"But she's a fan and doesn't scream?"

"You're a boy, you go to school and have friends. Sometimes you party and you manage to mess up sometimes but you're still figuring out who you are. We're all the same way, I am, except I'm a girl, obviously."

"Wow very deep. Care to share how we hang out with the same people and haven't ever talked?" He asks while we stand a couple doors down from my classroom in an empty hallway.

At this moment his friend Jack Johnson (JJ) runs out down the hall as if he's been looking for Jack.

"Bro bro bro. Come on Erik's getting his ass kicked."

"For sure man, one min-"

"No come on!" JJ pushed Jack until Jack's feet progress into a run. Jack gives one more quick look back before cutting the corner and leaving my sight.

I turn the handle to my classroom and walk in. Xander shoots me a confused look and I give him a look saying 'I'll talk to you after class' and left it at that.

"¿Qué Pasa Catherine?" My señora asks. (What's up Catherine)

"¡Bien! ¿Y ud? Lo siento para el tiempo." (Good! and you? Sorry for the time.)

"Muy bien. No es un problema." (Very good. It's no problem)

I took my seat and take out paper for some notes.

Jack for sure was mysterious. Every time I focus myself in on class discussion, my mind wonders off finding a path to Jack again. I turn to see Xander's eyes peering at me leaking into my brain and seeing the thoughts about jack.

The shake of his head was disapproving.

I know you probably think he's jealous or has a thing for me, but I can assure you there is no way In hell. I'm not that new girl that everyone wants to be friends with. Well I guess this time I am, but I'm not the one who walks through the door and all the guys stop and stare.

There's nothing special about me, at least appearance wise. I am normal height; 5 feet and seven inches. I have more "muscle," as mama says, then most but if were gonna be honest I am just thicker.

My hair is stubborn, frizzy, and curly. I will admit, it can be beautiful and girls have always been envious. The locks fall to my hips. My eyes were a shade somewhere between the darkest blackest brown to the lightest golden brown and in the brightest days of summer a light green color.

Xander snaps his fingers in front of my eyes and I zone back in to reality looking at a somewhat angry face, "Could you think about anything else?" And he walks out not even waiting for me to follow.

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