Chapter 44

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I get dressed in sweats. Looking over at the clock it’s not even six a.m. yet. I groan a raspy groan and gather up my suitcases. The sun has not risen and the world is dark.

I take a moment to smell the morning dew and listen to the soundless air. It really is beautiful. I only wish Jack were here with me and we were waiting until the sun rises talking and whispering cute things in each others ears. That moment is unforgettable.

The sun reminds me of Jack Johnson, well everything does. But Jack’s hair reminded me of the sun, his attitude towards life, when he plays basketball in 100 degree weather all remind me of the sun. But his smile reminds me of the sun the most. The way it shines for the world and the way it rises from the dark when people need it the most. His smirk was like the beautiful days where the temperature is in the mid 60s. The air isn’t humid and it isn’t too cold.

Jack Johnson was my sunshine.

My mom trudges downstairs and immediately grabs the keys, “Let’s go, you don’t want to be late.”

I follow her out into the car and push my luggage in the backseat. I don’t talk on our way to the airport, she does. She talks about how to reach her if I need it and she even slips in something about coming back to live at home. I just kind of ignore the hints and thank her.

We get there after a half an hour of driving and she gets out to help me with y bags. After we drag the two bags out of the back seat she says a short goodbye and engulfs me in a hug. I tell her how much I love her.

“Did Jack ever say anything to you?” She says about Gilinsky referring to his pained silence. I shake my head and a pitiful, motherly, and sympathetic facial expression appears on her face. She pulls me into one last hug and waves at me until I am inside and can no longer see her.

The line seems to take forever to move through, between the couple arguing about first class tickets, the kid screaming, and the fact that it is too damn early I am about to pull out my hair. A clean but stressed looking woman calls next and I step up to the counter.

She asks for my ticket, credit card and information. I have it all ready to go along with my passport just in case and hand them over to her. She inspects them and hands them back to me with a smile.

“My daughter is a huge fan of your friends, I heard about your loss and I’m really sorry,” I’m not used to being recognized out in public by older men or women. I shoot her a smile inspecting the fact that she doesn’t look old enough to have a daughter. She looked maybe twenty two or so.

“Thank you, have a nice day,” I walk away with my carry on and leave my luggage. I go through security with no problems like usual.

Doing this alone is boring. With Jack and Jack and the crew this was a lot more entertaining.  Jack and Jack would run through the airport doing lame part core and get in trouble by multiple security guards. There would occasionally be a couple girls screaming and asking for a picture and the boys would take playful selfies with them. I would stand on the side smiling and watching taking every moment of their company in.

I give the security guard a sad smile while collecting my things, and walk towards my gate.

I sit there on my phone scrolling through messages. I read the conversation I had with Sammy over text two weeks ago over and over, “Come back soon and chill,” he said.

He said, “I miss you, Gilinksy misses you, and Johnson misses you.”

He said, “The crew needs to get back together.”

“We can’t wait to see you,” he said, “Come home soon, we’ll all be waiting.”

My eyes start to tear up. I hold my hand out and catch the water as it rolls down my cheek and off my face. I start to listen to one of the tens of voicemails from Jack.

“CATHERINE!” A voice screams from gates down. Being my name, I look up and turn around. I can’t see anything. I leave my bags next to the chair and walk over the hallway that connects the gates.

“Catherine!?!” I hear him again.

“Jack?!” I scream and start running in the direction of the voice, “Jack?!” I run faster and my eyes are watering even more than they were.

“Catherine?!” The voice is close. I stop running. I spin in circles looking for the voice. I’m out of breath and lose hope. I’m crazy. I heard someone scream my name but no one was there. I spin in circles and circles and circles. The whole world is passing me by.

“Catherine.” I turn around one last time. There he is.

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