Chapter 34

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After we land and get out of the gate area and pick up our luggage, we all head out of the airport. Jack and Jack quickly run to a car that was pre-arranged to pick them up, trying to dodge the ambush of people who want autographs and pictures. Jack shields me with his arms to hide me from fans attacking me and bombarding us with photos.

As soon as we get to the car of the shofar holding the “Johnson” sign we drive off, careful not to hit any fans.

“So what are you kids going to do today?” Mrs. Johnson says, everyone claims that they’re not sure, “I’m probably just going to go to the spa.” JJ roles his eyes at his mother and laughs. When we get to the hotel, fans are crowding the entrance. Both of the Jacks barge their way through the fans and Sammy does something similar to what they’re doing.

Considering the fans don’t know who I am, none of them bother me much. Some scream after me, yelling questions about Jack G but I just smile and keep on walking. When we get inside Bart Bordelon greets Jack and Jack and invites us upstairs while we walk to the elevator.

Jack takes my bag and takes it upstairs, “Wait down here, I’ll put our bags in a room and we can unpack later. I’ll be right back and we can do something fun.” Jack shoots me a wink and follows Mrs. Johnson and Jack upstairs.

Sammy and I wait for about five minutes before someone yells Sammy’s name from across the lobby, we both turn to see a blonde haired boy on a small penny board gliding our way with his friends following.

Matt and Sammy exchange a bro hug and Sammy introduces me to Matt first. Matt sizes me up and down and admires me for Gilinsky’s sake, “So this is the famous Catherine?” Matt turns to the closest person to him, which happened to be Taylor. Taylor exchanges some nudges with Matt until Cameron Dallas and Shawn Mendes introduce themselves politely starting a line of introductions from the other boys. Almost all the boys have introduced themselves before the elevator door glides open and that muscular boy I’ve fallen in love with approaches us.

Some of the boys run towards the two, after a little bit of catching up I get a text from my uncle. I pull Sam aside to show the text to Sam offering for him and I to stop by the stadium as soon as possible. Sammy makes an announcement to the boys exclaiming that it’s ‘football time’ and the boys get hype.

“Are we gonna get to play some football?” Hayes asks. Sammy nods in such a sly way that gets everyone’s adrenaline bouncing off the walls.


Sammy and I interview over twenty of the players, film some live action shots, take pictures, and even get tours around unseen parts of the stadiums. The rest of the boys slowly tag along and play their own little game of football in the middle of the field.

“So the boys are all gonna go to a special trainer now, I would invite you but this is a no distraction type of training. Pushing it to the limit. Feel free to play around in the field with your friends. Alert a custodian when you’re done. And it was great to see you kid.”

He gives me a great big hug, “it was amazing to see you too, let’s catch up again soon.”

He walks away with the team members who are sweating in exhaustion. I run to the very top of the stands in the stadium and go into the announcement area, I grab the microphone as Sammy follows and allow Sammy to scream, “NOW WHO’S READY TO PLAY SOME FOOTBALL?!?”

I laugh at Sammy’s voice and we work our way back down to the field, “I’ll be a captain!” Hayes says stepping up as the little macho man.

“Sammy, you be the other one!” Matt pushes Sammy so that he’s standing side by side next to Hayes.

Hayes immediately points to Matthew, “Espinosa,” he claims as his and Matt smiles, being the first pick and having power and reputation over us.

“JG,” Sammy calls after the boy who’s too busy eyeing me and smiling.

Matt nudges Hayes and whispers something in his ear, “Catherine,” Hayes calls after finishing his quick conversation with Matt.

I slowly walk over to Matt as Gilinsky smirks and laughs.

The teams end up being; Taylor, Carter, Nash, Gilinsky, Johnson, and Sammy versus Matt, Hayes, Cameron, Shawn, Dillon, Aaron, and myself. Jacob, Mahogany, and Bart watch us from the sidelines with Bart being the only one paying any attention.

Everyone from their team gets assigned someone to “get on” because we were starting on offense. Gilinsky eyes me up and down, and says, “I got the girl.”

I smirk at him, he doesn’t know what he’s gotten himself into. With me he never knows what he’s getting himself into.

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