Chapter 17

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I laugh out loud for a second, “Who is this?” I text them back.

“Guess,” it says.

“I have no clue, wanna give me a hint?” I text back as I wait and wait for a response.

“You don’t know me but you will soon.”

“What does that even mean?” I send a laughing emoticon lightening up the mood to make this person think that I’m not just some sassy teenage girl.

“Jack tells me I get to meet you next weekend.”

Wait what the fuck? Is this one of the boys? How the hell did he get my number? Jack told someone about me.

“Is this one of the boys that tours with them?” I text them back. I am trying to ask if this is one of the magcon boys but I don’t want to label them.

“Yeah,” This is weird. This is really weird.

“Okay haha, which one?” I wait for so much time… minutes pass but feel like hours.

“I don’t know man, I don’t know.”

“Okay, well I guess I’ll seeya then…”

Before I have time to process this he sends, “I’m the best looking one of the group.”

Trying to be a smart ass I say, “No, I already have Gilinsky’s number.”

I put my phone down and head over to the piano. Right now I’m working on a piece for a summer song that I intend on finishing before winter. I like working on the piano because it soothes me and any emotion could appear. It’s your expression of emotion through sound. Although I usually write the piano before the lyrics, I have some lyric choices already. I work for a good half an hour before one again getting stuck and returning to my homework and phone.

A bunch of notifications pop up on my phone. The first one I go to is a text from Jack G, “So you think I’m the most attractive boy huh?” then the next sent reads, “But I’m going to kill Matt if he said something dumb. He probably did though, it’s fucking Matt,” And the last says, “I don’t even know how he got your number because I didn’t give it to him, *laughing emoticon* sorry.”

I click into the unknown number, “Hi Matt,” with a triumphant smiley face.

I text Jack back, “He’s such a loser,” and a laughing emoticon.

I decide to leave my phone down until morning because I have to finish an essay and I can’t be distracted.

When I wake up in the morning I check my phone to see that Matt never responded and Jack had just agreed with me. I get ready in clothes and make up for the day and head downstairs. I sit through class after class and wait until lunch. I wonder if I’ll be invited to sit with Jack and Jack again or if I have to go back sitting with my other friends who will be pestering me about Jack and I’s situation.

I end up sitting with the usual gang, not even looking for Jack and Jack’s invitation. I feel like Sammy, Jack, and Jack’s eyes are glued to me, although every time I casually glance their way they aren’t.


Jack Gilinsky. The boy who got the solo is Jack Gilinsky. I know he does show choir but I didn’t know he did choir through the school. Small disappointment took place in the room as only two boys from my choir auditioned for it.

“Okay is anyone going to try out for the female solo in the song? The role will take a good belt, a decent range, and the ability to harmonize. Can I see some hands?”

One girl raises her hand.

“Anyone else? Just Melissa?”

No one else volunteers and he writes her name down on a small list while he hands her an audition packet. I know it’s senior year and this could be my big moment but I’m not up for it at the time. I already have too much on my mind.

The bell rings and I go up to our choir teacher, “Could I have a copy of the sheet music for the audition song just in case…?”

“Here,” he hands me a full packet, “I really hope you’ll consider auditioning.”

“Thanks… but I’m not that strong of a sing…"

“Catherine… I can hear you over all of the front row,” he laughs, I’m one of the taller students so I stand in the back row, “…you’ve got an amazing harmonizing ability and you can belt better than most of the class. Just please consider it.”

I give a sad smile. And walk out of class. I really wasn’t considering it, it made me feel bad that I was going to let him down, but I have too much on my mind. I arrive late to Entertainment class. Sam’s already working on the project and arguing with Johnson about whose project would be better.

“Why are you late you hoe?” Sam jokes, I shove him at his shoulder as he laughs.

“Why are you early you ass?” and the conversation stops there for the rest of class as we continuously giggle while Jack and Jack create the stupidest arguments about the funniest things. 

Fix Me (A Jack Gilinsky FanFic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz