Chapter 35

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After we shockingly beat their team they have to pool in and treat us to dinner. Gilinsky approaches me, “I didn’t know you had it in you.”

“What? Football or athleticism?” I ask, mocking his compliment.

“The football, you’re not awful.”

I laugh, “pfft, if I was awful, I wouldn’t have kicked your ass Gilinsky.”

“Oh I see, but you just got lucky, I wasn’t on my game today,” he says as I refuse to look him in the eyes, “Rematch?”

“Any time of any day…I think you have my number,” I say and walk away with a swing in my hips knowing Jack is watching the way my body moves, I turn and wink at him and continue over to Hayes and high five him as he’s still celebrating our victory.


It’s late in the afternoon and Bart wants the boys to rest and relax because tomorrow is the start of their event. A few of us are in Nash and Cam’s room just chilling when I get up to go to the bathroom, Gilinsky follows me in there.

“Let’s go out on a date,” he says actually entering the bathroom with me, “Come on,“ he runs his hands down my sides to my waist, “somewhere nice.”

“Jack I didn’t even bring any dresses or skirts and I can’t w-…”

“I’ll give you money, I’m sure we can find something, come on, let’s get out of here,” he moves his body in closer to mine and moves his hands around to my lower back.

“Jack, I can’t let yo-…“

“I want to, please. This might be my only chance to take you out on a nice date for a while and I want this weekend to be memorable.”

“I’ll never forget the day I kicked your butt in football, don’t worry,” he moves his lips closer to mine.

“I’m serious, let’s go, I’ve got a place in mind,” he leaves the bathroom as I finally take care of my business. When I walk out he leads me into the hallway and then into his room. He there grabs his wallet and takes a few moments to change into a tux. He walks out running his hands through his hair to finish off his look.

I walk over to him and immediately start nibbling on his jaw line, “I know you want to take me on a date and you look so hot in that tux, but maybe we shouldn’t go out tonight,” I say still tracing kisses upon his jaw down to his neck.

“Since when are you so kinky?” He asks letting a small moan escape in pleasure.

“Since I think we should NOT go on an expensive date and buy me a stupid dress.”

“Well, if it’s so stupid, maybe we shouldn’t go, I mean, you’ll be back eventually and I can see you in a few months. You’re right, my bad,” he pulls his face away from my lips and takes a few steps back.

“Jack,” I say, he still stands there looking frustrated at me, “Jack, come on, I just don’t want you to spend all the money on me,” I say, and he looks into my eyes disappointed.

“Cat, it’s not about the fucking money okay? We’ve never gone on a proper date and I can’t let you leave knowing I’ve never taken you out for dinner.”

“Babe,” I sigh, “fine let’s go,” his face lights up faster than a light bulb from a light switch and he runs to his keys.

After ten minutes of driving around, Jack holds the door to a dress store open for me. I’m not familiar with any of the brands or the store itself although Jack claims it’s nice. I pick out a few dresses, with Jack’s request of not looking at the price tags and take them to the fitting room. They were all really nice dresses, ball gown length and very nicely jeweled with precise detail. The quality is top notch and I can’t assume they’re cheap.

I try all four of them on and decide upon a light lavender purple colored one that hits my ankles. It’s sleeveless but my wavy locks of hair will cover my arms. It’s tight on the top and has a little flare on the bottom half. Not bragging but I honestly feel beautiful in it and I think I look decent as well.

I walk out of the fitting room and to Jack who is waiting right outside, he stands at my entrance, his jaw to the floor and his eyes gawking at me.

“You look so beautiful,” he finally spits out and I blush. He walks over to me and sizes me up again, “I-“ He continuously stares at the way the dress compliments my curves.

I giggle and pull his hand so that he follows me into the dressing room, “Help me unzip this,” I say pulling my hair to my left side and facing my back towards him.

“No just wear it out,” he says turning me around so I’m facing him again, “we can go straight to dinner this way.”

He leads me to the cash register where the lady pulls the tag off of the dress and scans it, she offers me a bag to put the clothes I came in inside. She also puts the receipt and tag into which I grab before Jack could snatch.

Hi tries to get it away from me but I see the amount much before he could, “Jack,” I gasp in shock, “You can’t buy m-.”

“I already did, now go get in the car, tonight’s gonna be fun.”

“Jack,” he grabs my hand and walks me out of the store and opens the passenger seat for me. I wait until he gets in the car, “I can’t believe you.”

“I can’t believe how beautiful you look in that dress, he says starting up the car and backing out of the parking spot, “besides, it’s not that much anyway.”

“Jack, eight hundred dollars is a lot,” he shrugs, “Jack, why do you spoil me? I don’t deserve you.”

“Don’t say that, I don’t deserve you,” he grabs my hand with his while keeping the other one firmly on the wheel.

Jack ends up taking me out to some expensive French place where I can pronounce none of the food. Jack however knows how to pronounce everything perfectly and his French accent is extremely sexy. So we order and expecting this to be awkward I start making small talk. Jack already knows everything there is to know about me and although I KNOW this Jack Gilinsky kid, born and raised in Nebraska with two sisters just enjoying life…I didn’t really know him.

So I ask him questions, I ask him about his childhood and what his family does for the holidays, I ask about his likes and dislikes and what he looks for in a girl. By the end of the night I know the way he talks, the way his tongue moves off of his lips for every single word. I’ve watched him talk all night long and as we get up to leave I realized the night is young and we both know we don’t want to spend the rest of the night just talking 


Fix Me (A Jack Gilinsky FanFic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ